Adding Users to Sales Agency
Navigate to users page from the side menu,
For the first time, the user who has done sign up will be visible. The page would look like this

Team Member -- User Name with email id and photo
Status -- Status of the user whether it is Active / Inactive
Clients Assigned -- No. of clients assigned to the respective user
Client Permission -- Showing which all permissions are given to this user
Agency Access -- Whether user can access Agency portal or not
More Actions -- Edit, Delete, Disable
Adding New User in sales agency
Click on Add User and a popup will open

Click on Invite and an email notification will trigger to this user to accept the invite. Once the invite is accepted, user name will be visible in the user list.
Deleting a user
If someone is trying to delete a user, below popup will come

Once deleted, the status of the user will be marked as Deleted.
For the first time, the user who has done sign up will be visible. The page would look like this

Team Member -- User Name with email id and photo
Status -- Status of the user whether it is Active / Inactive
Clients Assigned -- No. of clients assigned to the respective user
Client Permission -- Showing which all permissions are given to this user
Agency Access -- Whether user can access Agency portal or not
More Actions -- Edit, Delete, Disable
Adding New User in sales agency
Click on Add User and a popup will open

Click on Invite and an email notification will trigger to this user to accept the invite. Once the invite is accepted, user name will be visible in the user list.
Deleting a user
If someone is trying to delete a user, below popup will come

Once deleted, the status of the user will be marked as Deleted.
Updated on: 12/09/2024
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