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How to Edit Opt-Out Link Text on Outplay

Learn how to customize the opt-out link text on Outplay and ensure compliance with email regulations.

Opt-out links are an essential component of email marketing and sales campaigns. They allow prospects to unsubscribe from receiving further emails from you, ensuring compliance with email regulations.

Outplay provides a simple way to customize the opt-out link text, and in this article, we'll explain how you can edit it to meet your needs.

How to Edit Opt-Out Link Text on Outplay

To edit the opt-out link text on Outplay, follow these steps:

  • Login to Outplay. In the Engagement section, navigate to ProfileSettings.


  • Click Mailbox under User settings and select the Mailbox ID of your choice. 


  • Click the Settings button for the email ID/ alias of your choice. 


  • Select Opt-out Text tab.


  • Add or update the opt-out text as per your preference.


  • Click Save.


NOTE: You have to hyperlink the text with "http://unsubscribeurl/" to ensure that Outplay automatically generates a dynamic link based on your custom domain.


Customizing opt-out link text is essential to maintain compliance with email regulations and allow prospects to unsubscribe from receiving further emails from you.