Articles on: Accounts

Manage Accounts in Outplay

This article will help users understand the new Accounts interface in Outplay.

Accounts represent organizations, just like your accounts in Salesforce. Your accounts in Outplay are the businesses and companies you want to engage with and sell to. Your accounts are managed in the Accounts screen.

A prospect can only have one account at a time, but accounts can have multiple prospects that may all be at different points in the same sequence, or indifferent sequences entirely.

Outplay team has revamped the Accounts view as per the request of our clients.

We have introduced new features which are highlighted in this article.

View: Whenever, the user visits the Accounts page, recommended view will be selected automatically.

The recommended view consists of name, no. of prospects, no. of sequence, Stage, Tag, Engagement last 12 months, Status - Meetings, tasks, opportunities, Owner, Created on and Last contacted on. 

Users can click on the drop-down of the view to change the views if available. Refer to the below screen.

Users can create or choose the defined views, You can check how to create Smart Views here.

Search Accounts – The search option is also added to search the data on the accounts page.

Some details which can be searched for -  Name of account, Domain, Sequence name, prospect name, stage name, tag name, Owner name, etc.

Filters: Click on the filter icon to apply the filter. On clicking the filter, the below screen will show up.

Users can search for the filters by clicking on the Filter Icon.

Below are the set of filters that will come Current filter options are: Owner, Tags, Stages, Teams ,

Newly added filters are:

Last Contacted - Date field
Last modified date - Date field
Opportunity name - Number field
Opportunity Close date – Date field

Last Touched: The date the most recent activity (email, call, integration steps, or other steps) was completed.
Touches: Number of times the activity has been completed towards this Account .
Prospects (on Account): Number of Prospects on the Account.
Meetings: Number of meetings booked in this account
Calls Logged: Number of calls logged to the Account.
Sent: Number of emails sent to the Account.
Bounced: Number of emails bounced.
Opened: Number of emails opened
Clicked: Number of emails clicked
Replied: Number of emails replied
Completed Steps: Number of Sequence steps completed
Skipped Steps: Number of Sequence steps Skipped.
Overdue Steps: Number of Sequence steps pending.
On-time Steps: Number of Sequence steps executed on time.

Sort By: Click on the sort by the option to sort the columns on the list.
Below are the options which will come under sort by

Name, Prospect count, Sequence count, Tags, Source, Stage, Activity last 12 months, No. of tasks due, No. of tasks completed, Opportunity Name, Opportunity close date, Opportunity value, last meeting happened, Upcoming meeting, owner, last contacted date, Created date, Total touches per account, average touches per account. Refer to below screen

Columns configuration: User can swap the columns which s/he wants to keep in the view mode (this consists of custom fields as well as other standard fields).

Also, total touches per account and average touch per account will also be added to the standard list.
Click on the columns arrangement option the system will open the below popup where the user can select the field from the available fields to add to the list view.
Please note, users can also drag-drop the columns at convenience.
On clicking save, the system will save the configuration for the user.
If the user log out / log in or user close the window and reopen then the system will retain the view user has already selected last.

Accounts Overview :

In this section, once the user clicks on the account they are looking at, the Account Overview will show up as per the screenshot below -

The user can drag and drop the cards as well as resize them according to his/her need.

The first card is the account info card which will show the logo, social media links of the account, contact, and location.
Clicking on the edit icon will open the account panel on the left where the user can view all the details.

The second card is the activity feed card which will show the activities of that account

The third card is the Jobs posting card: this card will show the open positions of that account on that card

The fourth card is the Similar companies card; this card will show the name of the companies dealing in the same sector and industry.

The fifth card is the fundings card; this card will show info related to funding that happened in that account

The sixth card is the news card; this card will show news roundup in that account

The seventh card is the custom card; where the user can name this card and add the fields which s/he wants in that card.

Please note, for all the accounts available or newly added accounts via CRM, CSV, or one-off, the background job will run at the backend and fetch the favicons for both logo and background.

Merge Accounts

Now users can Merge accounts in Outplay as well.

Type 1: You can merge two or more than two different accounts

Type 2: Identify and merge potential duplicate

How to Merge Accounts & Duplicates

Navigate to accounts

Select the set of accounts that you want to merge

Click on More options and click Merge Accounts

Select the primary account or master account which you want to keep like mentioned in the below screen.

The above screen will show the necessary details like last contacted date/no. of prospects /no. of active sequence/Opportunity value along with the integration details if this prospect is synching to.

Click on the Next button to complete the selection of data for other fields. Please note, every field will show the unique data from the selected accounts which you want to merge e.g. if you select 4 accounts to merge then in the URL field all the unique URLs of the selected 4 accounts will appear.

Please note; by default, the data of the primary account in all the fields will be selected

Click on Next to continue with the merge. Here, the system will show the confirmation message. Click on the link to know more about this feature.

Click on the Merge Accounts button.

Once clicked, merge activity will continue, and on completion, the system will show the merge completion message.

Identify Duplicates

Two or more accounts that share the same website, account domain, or name will automatically identify them as potential duplicates and give you the option to merge them together

Case 1: If two or more than two accounts have the same name

Case 2: If two or more than two accounts have the same domain

Case 3: If two or more than two accounts have the same name & domain

There will be a job that will execute at the predefined frequency. The purpose of this job is to identify the potential duplicates. This job will identify the duplicates based on the above-mentioned parameters.

Navigate to the Accounts screen

Click on Add account dropdown and select potential duplicate

The potential duplicate screen will open as shown in the screenshot below -

Potential duplicates will have two options

Option 1: If you want to mark the set of accounts as not duplicates then you need to click on the not duplicate option. With this option, the accounts will not come to the screen till the time there is any modification happened in any of those records.

Option 2: If you want to merge the duplicates and keep only one account then select the accounts and click on the Merge option

a. Select the primary account or master account which you want to keep like mentioned in the below screen.

The above screen will show the necessary details like Name/ Website / no. of prospects / Opportunity value / last contacted date to select the primary account along with the integration details if this account is synching to any

Please note; clicking on the account details will open the account info section to view more details

Close the account details tab and click on the Next button to complete the selection of data for other fields. Please note, every field will show the unique data from the selected account which you want to merge e.g. if you select 4 accounts to merge then in the URL field all the unique URLs of the selected 4 accounts will appear

Please note; by default, the data of the primary account in all the fields will be selected

Click on Next to continue with the merge. Here, the system will show the confirmation message. Click on the link to know more about this feature.

Impact in Roles and Permissions

Potential duplicates form will come in the below section and basis the permission allowed form will be visible to the role, Info icon will show as Manage duplicates identified by the system as shown in the screenshot above.

What happens when I merge two accounts?

 On merging, the system retains the

Account Standard Fields

Account custom field


User activities

On merging two accounts, the system will retain the values of the account selected as the primary

In the activity tab of the primary account, there will be a timeline appearing mentioning the merging of the accounts that happened Two or more accounts merged into this primary account

On merging, all the prospects of the secondary account will be mapped to the primary account

On merging, all the opportunities mapped to the secondary account will be mapped to the primary account

On merging, all the activities will of secondary accounts be visible under the primary account

Since each Outplay account can only link to one CRM record, following the merge in Outplay, only the primary account will continue to sync to the CRM record. If the secondary account that was merged into the primary account was syncing to CRM, that record in CRM will no longer sync to Outplay because the record no longer exists.

What will happen while importing the accounts?

On importing the accounts, the system will check the combination of the account name, domain, and URL and if any of the two exists then the system will identify them as already existing accounts. The system will not import those accounts which are identified as already existing and will show those numbers in failed section.

3. Synch one-off account: We need to add an option to map and sync the account. Refer to the below screen for more details. In the accounts, info panel, scroll down, and the option to select the object and synch should be shared. This is the same design we have done for prospects.

4. Export Accounts

Option to export accounts will be added on the accounts list view, on clicking the export account view, the system will open a popup which will have the option to select the fields and then save it and export it

Here is the UI design

Navigate to the Accounts page

Click on the down arrow on Add Account option

Click on Export Account

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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