Articles on: Get Started

Configure Chat and Website Tracking settings

Track website visits and continue sales conversations through chat

When a cold prospect visits your website, a regular chat widget asks a few qualifying questions to funnel them into the sales pipeline. 

But what happens when a warm prospect, to whom you’ve already been talking, lands on your website through your email? Up pops that cold-prospect chat widget again, asking them the same old re-qualifying questions and disrupting the rapport you've worked so hard to build!

Here’s where Outplay is different: when your warm prospect follows an email link to your website, instead of your regular chat widget, they see the Outplay chat widget inviting them to chat with you, live. 

You can continue the conversation you've been having seamlessly, so your prospect really feels like they're dealing with a person, and not an automated bot. 

Moreover, you can track your prospects on your website. Learn what interests them, how many times they’ve visited your site, and how long they’ve stayed on a page. 

> NOTE: Chat and Website Tracking settings can only be configured from an Admin account.

Add the script to your website

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Chat & Website Tracking.

In the Email Script section, you can find the code to enable Outplay Sales Chat widget and website tracking for your website.

You can simply enter your developer’s email address in the Email to Developer field and click Send. Outplay will email instructions on how to add the code to your web pages to your developer.

TIP: If you’re comfortable handling your website’s code, you can copy the code and add the same to all the pages of your website.

Enable chat widget and website tracking

NOTE: You can enable Outplay Sales Chat widget and website tracking after adding the code to your web pages only.

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Chat & Website Tracking.

Add the domain of the websites for which you want to enable the chat and website tracking and click Enable. You can add multiple domain names separated by a comma or a new line.

Enable the toggle for Chat Enabled and Website Tracking Enabled.

Your chat and website tracking settings are configured. 

NOTE: Enable Open Tracking and Click Tracking in your Safety Settings.

NOTE: Other users have to set up their chat widget as well once you’ve enabled the chat and tracking feature.

NOTE: To track a prospect from your emails, you have to include a link to your website in the email.

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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