How to set up your custom domain on Outplay
Add a custom domain to track email links and avoid being listed as spam
When you track email link clicks on Outplay, a tracking domain which is different from your sender domain (your email) is used. When your tracking domain and sender domain do not match, it’s likely that your emails may be reported as spam.
However, there is a quick way to prevent yourself from being listed as spam. You can configure multiple custom tracking domains on Outplay to use. This ensures that your tracked email links appear to be arriving from your sender domain.
To set up your custom domain, there are two essential steps:
Add CNAME records for your domain in the hosting provider
Add the custom domain on Outplay
NOTE: Custom Tracking Domain settings can be configured by an Admin account only.
Add CNAME records for your domain
A CNAME, or Canonical Name record, is a DNS record that points to another domain address rather than an IP address.
NOTE: Your custom domain should be a subdomain of your email domain. For example, if your email domain is, then your custom tracking subdomain can be
To update CNAME records and add subdomains, you need to access your domain hosting service provider:
Click here if your domain host is GSuite.
Click here if your domain host is AWS.
Click here if your domain host is Bluehost.
Click here if your domain host is GoDaddy.
Click here if your domain host is NameCheap.
Follow the instructions as per the domain hosting service provider add a subdomain of your website with CNAME records and point that to your default tracking domain.
To find your default tracking domain, navigate to Profile → Settings → Custom Domain → Add Subdomain. Your default tracking domain looks like this:
Once you’ve set up the CNAME and added the subdomain, it will take up to 48 hours for your hosting provider to reflect the changes.
TIP: If you don't have access to your domain hosting service provider, you can contact your IT administrator.
Add the custom domain to Outplay
NOTE: Ensure that the CNAME records are approved by your hosting provider.
Log into Outplay.
Under the Engagement section, go to Profile → Settings.
Click Custom Domain.
Click Add Subdomain.
You can enter your new subdomain in the given field. Click Add to proceed.
Outplay will verify the subdomain you have submitted.
When the status is Pending, you can reach out to us on live chat support from within your Outplay account or through email at We will verify the subdomain and provide you with an SSL certificate post-validation.
When a custom tracking domain displays its status as Active, it is ready to be mapped to a mailbox or email alias.
NOTE: Domain Health of a custom tracking domain determines email deliverability and its ability to keep your primary domain protected. You can find the domain health for each custom tracking domain through the status displayed as Healthy/ Unhealthy.
NOTE: Click here to read more about managing and mapping custom tracking domains to mailboxes.
What is domain health?
Domain Health of a custom tracking domain determines email deliverability and its ability to keep your primary domain protected. On Outplay, you can check the domain health for each custom tracking domain through the status displayed as Healthy/ Unhealthy.
What happens when a custom tracking domain turns unhealthy?
Let’s assume that you have two custom tracking domains added to your Outplay account. Now, one of them has turned unhealthy. In such an instance, the default custom tracking domain is used instead. You will receive an email notification regarding the same.
What happens when a default custom tracking domain turns unhealthy?
When a default custom tracking domain turns unhealthy, all emails associated with that domain will fail. You will also receive an email notification stating that your default custom tracking domain is unhealthy.
What happens when a custom tracking domain is inactive?
When a custom tracking domain is inactive, all emails associated with that domain will fail. Additionally, you will receive an email notification for the same.
Updated on: 26/06/2024
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