Articles on: Settings

How to manage & map custom tracking domains

After you have added custom tracking domains to Outplay, you can map them to mailboxes or email aliases as required. Moreover, you can also choose to manage custom tracking domains by editing, deactivating, and more.

This article discusses the following:

Manage custom tracking domains
Map custom tracking domains to mailboxes

Manage custom tracking domains

Once you have crated your custom tracking domain, you can manage them by checking their domain health and default status. Here's how you can go about with it:

Log into Outplay.

Under the Engagements section, navigate to Profile → settings.

Click Custom Domain.

Navigate to the custom domain you want to manage and click the More Options button. Here, you can choose to:
Check Status: View the domain health of the custom tracking domain.
Make Default: Set the custom tracking domain as default.

You can make changes to the custom tracking domain as required and the same is saved automatically. 

Map custom tracking domains to mailboxes

You can map the custom tracking domains that you have added to individual mailboxes. Here's how you can go about it:

Log into Outplay.

Under the Engagements section, navigate to Profile → Settings.

Click Emailbox.

Click the mailbox to which you want to map a custom tracking domain. You can choose to map custom tracking domains to primary mailboxes or email aliases. Navigate to the mailbox you want to map and click the Map Custom Domain button for the same.

NOTE: Only custom tracking domains with a Healthy status are listed.

From the drop-down, you can select the custom tracking domain you want to map to the mailbox.

The selected custom tracking domain is mapped to the mailbox.  


What is domain health?

Domain Health of a custom tracking domain determines email deliverability and its ability to keep your primary domain protected. On Outplay, you can check the domain health for each custom tracking domain through the status displayed as Healthy/ Unhealthy

What happens when a custom tracking domain turns unhealthy?

Let's assume that you have two custom tracking domains added to your Outplay account. Now, one of them has turned unhealthy. In such an instance, the default custom tracking domain is used instead. You will receive an email notification regarding the same. 

What happens when a default custom tracking domain turns unhealthy?

When a default custom tracking domain turns unhealthy, all emails associated with that domain will be failed. You will also receive an email notification stating that your default custom tracking domain is unhealthy. 

What happens when a custom tracking domain is inactive?

When a custom tracking domain is inactive, all emails associated with that domain will be failed. Additionally, you will receive an email notification for the same.

Updated on: 07/06/2024

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