Articles on: Emails

Configure your Email Sending Limits

Through sending limits, you can protect your email accounts while propelling your outreach campaigns.

Sending limits determine the number of emails you can send in a day from a mailbox on Outplay. 

Why is it important to be aware of these limits?

If you do email outreach without concern for sending limits, you may be suspected for spamming people at large and your email account may get blocked before you know it. 

With the sending limits feature on Outplay, you can avoid being suspended or limited by your email service provider and run effective email outreach campaigns.  

NOTE: Sending limits will be applicable to emails sent from Outplay only.

Outplay Sending Limits - User Level

Here’s how you can configure your email sending limits on Outplay at the user level.

Go to ProfileSettings

On the Settings panel, click Safety Settings under User.

Under the General tab of Safety Settings, you will have access to your email sending limits.

You can configure the settings as per the description in the table below:

Click Save.

Outplay Sending Limits - Admin Level

Here’s how you can configure your email sending limits on Outplay at the Admin level.

NOTE: These settings can only be configured by an Admin account.

Go to ProfileSettings

On the Settings panel, click Org Settings under Company.

Under the General tab of Org Settings, you can configure email sending settings for your teams.

You can configure the settings as per the description in the table below:

Click Save.

Mailbox Limits

To avoid spamming, every email provider has email sending limits that all users must be aware of.

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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