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Configure your Sequence Settings

Everything you need to run effective sequences

Once you’ve created a sequence on Outplay, you can configure sequence settings to ensure that it works to its full potential without your constant attention. 

This article discusses the following:

  • On Outplay, click Sequences on the sidebar menu. 


  • On the Sequences page, select the sequence you want to modify settings for.


  • Navigate to Settings on the top panel of the sequence. 


  • Under Settings, there are four sections: 
    • General
    • Safety
    • Stages
    • Out of Office Configuration

General Settings

You can configure the general settings of your sequence here. You can assign a priority status,  schedule, sequence owner, and much more. 


You can complete the fields in this section as per the table below:




Enter the name of the sequence

Sequence Priority

Choose the priority of the sequence 

Include opt-out link

Select the checkbox if you want to include an opt-out link in the emails sent out in the sequence. 


Select a schedule as per which the emails have to be sent out. 

Sequence Owner

This section displays the name of the creator of the sequence. Here, the sequence owner can be modified as required. 

Sequence Type

In this field, select if the sequence belongs to you or the team as well. Choose Personal or Team as required. 

NOTE: If the Sequence Type is selected as Team, other team members will be able to view and use the sequence. 

Select Email From

Select the email address from which you want the sequence to send emails. 

The General Settings of the sequence are now configured. 

Safety Settings

You can configure the safety settings of a sequence here. This comprises options such as finishing a sequence for a prospect when a reply is received, ensuring a limited number of prospects are enrolled in a sequence, setting priority statuses for sequence emails, and more.


You can complete the fields in this section as per the table below:



On reply, finish sequence for the prospect. 

Enable the toggle for this option if you want to finish the sequence for a prospect when they respond to your email. 

NOTE: Replies include Email Reply, Call Answered, SMS Reply & Meeting Booked

On SMS Failure, continue to next step

Enable the toggle for this option if you want to take the prospect to the next step in the sequence if an SMS failure occurs

Don't allow prospects to be added to multiple sequences 

Enable the toggle for this option if you do not want a prospect in the sequence to be added to another sequence simultaneously. 

NOTE: Prospect exclusivity will be active for the sequence.

Max prospects that can be enrolled in this sequence in a day

Enter the number of prospects that can be added to the sequence in a day

Which email gets priority in case sequence is approaching sending limits?

In this field, you can choose which of your emails have to be prioritized in case you’re approaching email sending limits. 

Here, you can select one of the following options:

First Step EmailsFollow-Up EmailsEqually Divided

The Safety settings of a sequence are now configured. 


You can configure the stage settings of a sequence here. You can choose your next steps when you encounter email bounces or receive responses, set prospect statuses as they move through your sequence, and more. 


You can complete the fields in this section as per the table below:



When a person bounces while on this Sequence

From the drop-down menu, select a stage to which you want to move a prospect to when they bounce.

When a person replies while on this Sequence

From the drop-down menu, select a stage to which you want to move a prospect to when they respond.

When a person is added to this Sequences

From the drop-down menu, select a stage to which you want to move a prospect to when they are initially added to the sequence.

When a person finishes this Sequence

From the drop-down menu, select a stage to which you want to move a prospect to when they finish the sequence.

Sequence Identifier

An alphanumeric code unique to the sequence will be displayed here. 

NOTE: If you want the prospect to stay in the same stage for any activity, select the stage as No Change.

Stages are now configured for your sequence. 

Out of Office Configuration

Outplay Bot instantly notifies you of OOO and autoresponder emails. Additionally, you can set resume dates for paused prospects and save alternate contact information 


You can complete the fields in this section as per the table below:



Enable out of office Configuration

Enable the toggle for this option if you want to activate the Out of Office feature on Outplay. 

Enable Bot to predict a Return date

Enable the toggle for this option if you want Outplay Bot to analyze the Out of Office email response and predict a return date of the prospect. 

The default number of days to resume a prospect in a sequence 

Enable the toggle for this option if you want to resume a prospect in a sequence when the return date is not mentioned in the out-of-office email response. 

Here, you can enter the number of days after which the prospect can be resumed in a sequence for such an instance. 

  • After completing the fields, click Save


Out of Office is now configured for you.