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How to set up Outplay Dialer (Admin)

Add dialer credits, purchase numbers, enable Local Dial and much more.

On Outplay, you can directly call your prospect through the Outplay Dialer. But first, you have to add dialer credits and configure your Outplay Dialer settings. 

NOTE: Outplay Dialer can be enabled by an Admin account.

This article discusses the following: 

Add Dialer Credits to your Outplay account
Purchase a phone number
Assign a number to a user
Enable Local Dial for users
Create and manage Call Outcomes
Restricted Area Codes

Add Dialer Credits to your Outplay account

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Billing.

Click the Dialer Credits tab.

Click the Add Funds button.

Select the fund amount and click Add.

NOTE: Stripe processing fee will be applicable for every transaction.

TIP: For an uninterrupted Outplay experience, you can enable auto recharge.

Purchase a phone number

NOTE: Ensure there are sufficient Dialer Credits in your Outplay account to purchase a phone number.

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Dialer.

Under Voice Provider, select the option to Use Outplay’s default voice provider.

Under Add Number, you can:
Select the country to which your number should belong.
Enter a specific combination of digits or area code that you want in the number.
Click Search.

A list of suitable numbers will appear. You can find the Call and SMS option availability below each number as well.

Click the Purchase button against the number of your choice.

Once you’ve successfully purchased a number, it will be added to your Unassigned Numbers/ Pool for Local Dial.

Assign a number to a user

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Dialer.

Under Assign Phone Number, you can view a list of all your team members, their email addresses, assigned numbers and call recording options.

To assign a number to a team member, click the + icon under Numbers for the specific team member.

A pop-up that lists all the available/ unassigned numbers appears. Select the number you want to assign to the team member from the list.

TIP: You can assign multiple numbers to a team member by simply clicking on the + icon next to their assigned number.

Enable Local Dial for users

Did you know that cold-calling prospects using a local number increases the chances of them attending the call? Research says that people are nearly four times more likely to answer calls from local numbers.

On Outplay, Local Dial enables you to dial prospects using local area codes automatically. 

Here’s how Local Dial works:

Suppose a prospect lives in the US and has a contact number belonging to that region. You’re making a call to that prospect from another country through the Outplay Dialer. When the Local Dial feature is enabled, Outplay detects the region of the prospect’s number, searches your number pool for a Local US number, and automatically assigns it to you. When the prospect receives your call, they see that you’re calling from their own region, increasing the chances of them attending your call. 

To enable Local Dial:

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Dialer.

Enable the toggle for Local Dial.

NOTE: Outplay can only select numbers that are available in your Unassigned Numbers/ Pool for Local Dial.

TIP: You can enable or disable Local Dial for specific users in the Assign Phone Number section.

Create and manage Call Outcomes

Create Call Outcomes for your team members so that they can log call statuses accurately. 

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Dialer.

Click the Outcomes tab.

Click Add Outcome.

The Add Call Outcome window pops up.
You can fill in the field for Name. Under Mapped To, select Answered or N*ot Answered** as per your choice. 
Enable the toggle for Mark as Positive Outcome and Is Voicemail if applicable.

Click Save.

All your Call Outcomes are listed on the Call Outcome page. 

TIP: You can Edit or Delete a call outcome by clicking the kebab icon menu against a call outcome.

Restricted Area Codes

You can avoid calling prospects from specific regions by adding their respective area codes in the Restricted Area Codes section. 

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Dialer.

Click the Restricted Area Codes tab.

You can add the area codes in the field provided. You can add multiple area codes by separating them with a comma.

Click Save.

The area codes are added to your Restricted Area Codes list.

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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