Articles on: Dialer

Plivo <> Outplay Integration

Plivo <> Outplay

Plivo is a VOIP provider which currently is a pioneer in providing Indian Calling numbers based on TRAI regulations. In this article, we will discuss on how to integrate Plivo with Outplay and the current capabilities.

Create a Plivo Account -

If you do not already have a Plivo account, to Integrate Plivo with Outplay, first we would need to make sure there is a Plivo account created.

You can navigate to Plivo Account Request and create your account.

Post creation of the account. Please add the compliance documetations required to get approval for Indian Numbers.

You can find the required documentations here.

Once you have created the complaince and submitted the same, it will take 48 hours for Plivo team to approve and get back to you.

Integrating Plivo with Outplay

Let's say the compliance has been completed, you can move ahead and integrate Outplay with Plivo.

Within the Plivo Dashboard you will find the AUTH ID and AUTH Token, screenshot attached below.

Plivo Dashboard

Please note the ID's and Token, navigate to Outplay Dashboard, Go to Settings -> Dialer -> Click on Plivo. You'll be prompted to add the Auth ID & Auth Token.

Outplay Integration

Once the credentials are added, your dialer has been connected with Outplay.

Admin can now navigate to the Unassigned queue of Numbers and assign the same to each individual users.

We've also highlighted the current functionalities below, although there will be a V2 release upcoming which will enhance the current funtionalities -

Mask your Indian numbers with personal or company numbers.
Record your calls in Outplay
Sync back the calls to your CRM
Manage your credits and numbers within Plivo Dashboard.

Updated on: 17/09/2024

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