Reports straight to your Inbox
Reports straight to your Inbox Automate your Reports
Outplay provides an option to SDR managers/admin to receive the system-generated performance email for their team.
To set up the process,
Go to your Profile and click on Settings.
Click on the Notification setting under the Company section.
Add the recipient email address.
If the email address exists in Outplay, it will filter out else, Outplay displays "email address not found", and gives an option to send an Invitation.

After accepting the invitation, the user will be enlisted in the Performance report section. Outplay gives you an option to choose daily, weekly and monthly reports respectively.

NOTE: The recipient's email address can be of outside outplay portal users as well.
Bounce: If there is a bounce tag attached to an email address then the particular user is been added as a recipient but got bounced while triggering the email. The email address which is bounced will not be picked from next time onwards._
Below points will change basis the frequency of the report selected Heading i.e. Monthly Report / Weekly Report/ Daily Report.
For weekly: Hey! Here’s your last week's snapshot. Last week you contacted xx prospects and booked yy meetings.
For daily; Hey! Here’s your yesterday week snapshot. Yesterday, you contacted xx prospects and booked yy meetings.
How to calculate the percentage for prospects added, prospects contacted and meetings booked?
Increase = New Number - Original Number
% Increase = Increase ÷ Original Number × 100
If the frequency is set as daily, in that case; the stats in the email template will be for the previous day (email is going every morning)
If the frequency is set as weekly, in that case; the stats in the email template will be for the last 7 days e.g. email is getting triggered on 30th Aug 2021; then the stats will be for 23rd Aug to 29th Aug 2021.
If the frequency is set as monthly, in that case; the stats in the email template will be for the last 30/31 days depending on the month e.g. email is getting triggered on 01st Sept 2021; then the stats will be for 01st Aug to 31st Aug 2021.
Updated on: 27/06/2024
Thank you!