Articles on: Reports

Statistics in Outplay Reports

Learn to read & act with Outplay stats to track key metrics and boost sales

On Outplay, you can view the performance and effectiveness of your outreach strategies through data-rich statistics. It gives you insight into how your prospects are responding to your efforts. Statistics on Outplay offers you access to data metrics that can be monitored in real-time - never letting you lose sight of your sales goals. 

This article discusses the following: 

Team Overview Statistics
Engagement Statistics
Email Statistics
Call Statistics
Task Statistics
Meeting Statistics
Opportunities Statistics
Sequences Statistics
Other Reports Statistics

Team Overview Statistics

On Outplay, you can generate a team overview report for your team. This gives you a glimpse into how they are doing when it comes to achieving their sales goals as a team. To access reports, under the Engagement section, click the More Options button on the sidebar menu and select Reports

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data PointsCalculated Meeting Metrics
Touches / MeetingsDisplays the total number of prospect interactions it took to book a meeting.
Meetings BookedDisplays the number of meetings booked in the selected time period (excludes cancelled meetings).
Avg Days / MeetingsDisplays the average number of days it took to book a meeting.
Prospects ContactedDisplays the number of unique prospects contacted in the selected time period.
Touches / ProspectsDisplays the average number of interactions it took per prospect to book a meeting.

Data PointsCalculated Emails Metrics
OpensDisplays the number of emails opened in the selected time period.
DeliveredDisplays the number of emails delivered in the selected time period.
RepliesDisplays the number of email responses received in the selected time period.
BouncedDisplays the number of emails that were not delivered in the selected time period.
ClicksDisplays the number of emails in which prospects had clicked a link or image.

Data PointsCalculated Tasks Metrics
Task DueDisplays the number of tasks due (includes Manual + Sequence Tasks which are active) for the selected time period.
Task CompletedDisplays the number of tasks completed for the selected time period.

Data PointsCalculated Calls Metrics
No AnswerDisplays the number of calls that were not answered by prospects in the selected time period.
Inbound CallsDisplays the number of prospect calls received in the selected time period.
Average DurationDisplays the average duration of a prospect call in the select time period.
AnsweredDisplays the number of prospect calls which were answered in the selected time period.
Outbound CallsDisplays the number of outbound calls which were made in the selected time period.

Data PointsCalculated Opportunities Metrics
Opportunities WonDisplays the number of opportunities with their Opportunity Stage as Won and with Close Date falling in the selected time period.
Opportunities LostDisplays the number of opportunities with their Opportunity Stage as Loss and with Close Date falling in the selected time period.
OpportunitiesDisplays the opportunities with their Close Date falling in the selected time period.
TargetDisplays the total value of opportunities in the selected time period.

Engagement Statistics

On Outplay, you can generate reports for all types of engagement activities initiated by users and teams. Keep track of your team’s email metrics, generate individual user engagement reports, and much more. 

Note: You can now view Totals for all the sections in Engagements. Refer to the below screenshot.

Leaderboard Statistics

The Leaderboard displays a list of your top performers and different metrics that measure the engagement performance of users. 

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Email Statistics

Analyze email statistics such as open rates, reply rates, and more, for users and teams on Outplay. 

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Call Statistics

Analyze prospect call statistics for users and teams on Outplay. 

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Task Statistics

Review Outplay task statistics for teams and users. You can also find out the number of skipped or overdue tasks for each touch type specifically.  

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Meeting Statistics

You can analyze meeting statistics for users and teams on Outplay. Gain insight into which channel is bringing you the most revenue. 

The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Opportunities Statistics

Analyze opportunity statistics for users and teams to understand if your sales goals are being met. 


The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Sequences Statistics

View how well your sequences are performing and how your prospects are responding to your outreach efforts. 


The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Other Reports Statistics

Other Reports on Outplay provides you with crucial details that could elevate your sales pitch. For example, it shows the best time to make prospect calls based on your previous interactions and call outcomes or when to send out an email.  


The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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