Articles on: Reports

How to create custom performance reports for users and teams

Generate performance reports for specific users or teams

Your outreach efforts will be a shot in the dark if you don’t have access to sales performance reports with actionable data. With Outplay, you can create custom performance reports for users and teams to gain insights, identify bottlenecks and refine your sales process.

Moreover, you can choose the type of performance reports you want to receive in your mailbox. 

For instance, let’s say a team of 5 interns joined your organization and as a manager you want to review their performance. In this case, you can create and customize the performance report for these 5 interns specifically and configure to get the reports  on a daily/ weekly/ monthly basis to assess their performance.

Configuring roles and permissions for reports

To create and receive custom performance reports, you must have permission for the same granted at the Admin level. 

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Navigate to the Company section and click Roles & Permissions.

From the view list, select and click the team/ user you want to authorize permissions for the performance reports functionality.

Navigate to the Settings section and click the checkbox for Manage Performance Notification.

Click Update.

NOTE: If this permission is not granted, then you can only view and edit your personal performance report.

Configure custom performance report settings

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings

On the Settings sidebar menu, navigate to the User section and click Notification. On the Notification page, click the Performance Notification tab.

Click Create Report.

A Create Report window will pop up. Here, you will be able to select the specifics for the performance report.

Complete the following fields as per your requirement:

Report TitleInput the name of the report you want to receive.
Performance Report OfHere, you have three options: All Users, Specific Users, Specific Teams.
Send ToSelect the users to whom you want to send the performance report.
How often do you want to send it?Choose how often you want to receive performance reports for the selected users/ teams. You can select the checkbox for Daily, Weekly, or Monthly as per your requirement.
Select TimezoneChoose the timezone in which you want the report to be sent to you.

Note: The stats will also be calculated based on the selected timezone.

After completing the fields, click Create.

A new performance report is created and added to the list view. 

> You can send the performance report to an external user by directly entering their email address in the Send To field. When you enter the external user’s email address, the notification for the same will be displayed.
> In such a case, the external user will receive an email invitation to receive the performance report. After the external user confirms, they will receive performance reports as per your notification configuration.

Receive personal performance reports

Apart from personal reports of other users and teams, you have the option to receive personal performance reports. For every Outplay user, their personal performance report will be the first on the performance report view list.

By default, these reports will be configured to send you performance reports on a daily basis. You can change the delivery frequency of the performance reports:

Click the kebab menu icon.

From the drop-down menu, click Edit Report.

In the pop-up window, navigate to How often do you want to send? Click the checkbox for Daily, Weekly and Monthly as per your requirement.

Click Create.

Your performance reports is sent to your email address as per your configuration. 

Sample performance report:

Managing custom performance report notifications

You can view your custom performance reports and configure notification settings for the same on the Performance Notification page. 

Against your performance report, you can find the following options:

Reports ofClick to view whose performance report is being generated.
Send toClick to view to whom the performance report is being sent to.
Sending FrequencyClick to view the frequency of sending the performance report.
Preview ReportClick the eye icon to preview the performance report. NOTE: The performance report will display the performance data for the previous day.
More OptionsClick the kebab menu icon to Edit or Delete the report.

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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