Articles on: Meeting Scheduler

How to manage meeting types on Meeting Scheduler

View all your meeting types in one place

Meeting types are unique to their cause. For instance, you may create a meeting type to invite prospects to try out a free demo of your product. That specific meeting type has unique questions and characteristics that are customized for leads looking to experience a free demo of your product. The same meeting type cannot be used for another cause.

Hence, you may create multiple meeting types to invite leads from different cohorts to book meetings with you. On Meeting Scheduler, you can find all your meeting types in one place. What’s more? You can edit or delete them as per your need.

Here’s how you can manage your meeting types on Scheduler:

On Outplay, click the Scheduler tab on the top panel.

The Inbound Leads page is displayed by default. Click the Meeting Type option from the sidebar menu.

On the following page, you can view all your meeting types, along with specific details such as:
Meeting Type Name
Category: This indicates if the meeting type follows a Manual, Round Robin or Random meeting distribution style.
Duration of the Meeting
Scheduling Link: This link directs the user to fill up the form linked to the meeting type and select a time slot for the meeting.
Embed Code: This block of HTML can be added to any website page to embed a custom form on the specific page.
Created Date

You can enable or disable a meeting type through the toggle.

You can search for a specific meeting type with the Meeting Type Name.

You can also sort meeting types based on the duration of the meeting or the date of creation.

Edit a Meeting Type

Navigate to the meeting type you want to edit and click the More Options button. You can select the Edit option from the drop-down menu.

On the following page, you can edit the Meeting Details, Forms, Form Styling, Routing Rules or Settings.

Click Save.

The meeting type is edited and saved. 

Delete a Meeting Type

Navigate to the meeting type you want to delete and click the More Options button. You can select the Delete option from the drop-down menu.

The Delete dialog box pops up. You can confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

The meeting type is deleted.

Updated on: 28/06/2024

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