Articles on: Meeting Scheduler

Scheduler Reports on Outplay

Gain Insights to Drive Inbound Lead Conversion

To make informed decisions and optimize your outreach strategy, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your meeting scheduling activities. That's where Scheduler Reports come in, providing you with practical and easy-to-understand insights.

With Scheduler Reports, gain access to a wealth of analytics to make data-backed decisions. In this support article, we'll guide you through the key features of Scheduler Reports, enabling you to customize your reports, rearrange elements, and export them for further analysis. By leveraging these capabilities, you'll unlock actionable insights that can fuel your inbound lead conversion and drive remarkable results.

On Outplay, click the Scheduler tab.

Click Reports from the sidebar menu.

Scheduler Reports: Dashboard

On the dashboard of scheduler reports, you can see an overview of Stats, Trends, Leads Funnel, Conversions, Leads by Source, and Leads by Geography.

Scheduler Reports: Stats

Gain valuable insights from the Stats section, which provides essential statistics to inform your data-driven decision-making:

Form Submissions: This metric represents the total number of form submissions received. It gives you an understanding of the overall engagement and interest generated by your outreach efforts.

Qualified Leads: The number of leads that have been qualified from the submissions. This metric helps you identify the quality of leads generated and provides insights into the effectiveness of your qualification process.

Meetings Booked: This metric indicates the total number of meetings successfully scheduled. It allows you to gauge the level of interest and engagement from your leads, providing valuable information for follow-up actions.

Avg. Meeting Time (in mins): This metric presents the average duration of all conducted meetings. Understanding the average meeting time helps you manage your time effectively and optimize the scheduling process.

Discover meaningful trends in various categories with the Trends section:

Form Submissions: This graph displays the number of form submissions received across the selected date range. By observing the trend, you can identify patterns and understand the fluctuations in form submission volume over time.

Form Views: Gain insights into the number of views for all forms during the selected date range. This trend chart allows you to track the level of engagement and interest generated by your forms.

Meetings Booked: Visualize the trend of total meetings booked over the selected date range. This chart helps you assess the effectiveness of your scheduling efforts and evaluate the growth of booked meetings.

Meetings Completed: Monitor the trend of successfully completed meetings during the selected date range. This graph provides visibility into the progress of your meetings and allows you to track meeting outcomes.

Qualified Leads: This trend chart presents the number of leads qualified from form submissions over the selected date range. By analyzing this trend, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your qualification process and identify potential improvements.

Scheduler Reports: Leads Funnel

The Leads Funnel chart provides a visual representation of the various stages of your lead conversion process, along with their corresponding percentages. Here's what each stage represents:

Form Submissions: This is the initial stage of the funnel, representing the total number of form submissions received. It reflects the initial interest and engagement from potential leads.

Qualified Leads: As leads progress through the funnel, this stage represents the number of leads that have been qualified from the initial form submissions. These are the leads that have met certain criteria or requirements to be considered qualified leads.

Meetings Booked: This stage indicates the number of meetings that have been successfully booked with qualified leads. It represents the level of interest and commitment from the leads to engage in further discussions.

Meetings Completed: The final stage of the funnel shows the number of meetings that have been successfully completed. It reflects the conversion of leads into actual meetings, indicating a higher level of engagement and potential for further progression in the sales process.

By visualizing the leads funnel, you can gain insights into the progression of leads at each stage and identify potential areas for improvement. Understanding the percentages at each stage helps you gauge the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your lead conversion efforts.

Scheduler Reports: Conversions

The Conversions section provides a conversion chart highlighting key metrics trends over time. Here's what each metric represents:

Form Submissions: This metric depicts the trend of form submissions over a specified period. By analyzing this trend, you can track the volume of form submissions and identify any patterns or fluctuations in lead generation.

Qualified Leads: The trend of leads qualified from form submissions is illustrated by this metric. Monitoring this trend helps you understand how effectively your qualification process is converting form submissions into qualified leads.

Meetings Completed: This metric shows the trend of successfully completed meetings. By observing this trend, you can assess the overall success rate of your meetings and track any changes or improvements over time.

Analyzing the trends of these key metrics in the Conversions section allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your lead conversion process. It provides insights into the progression of leads from initial form submissions to qualified leads and ultimately to successful meetings. 

Scheduler Reports: Leads by Source

The Leads by Source section offers valuable insights into the origins of your leads. It presents a pie-chart graph that visually breaks down your leads based on their source. Each segment of the chart represents a specific lead source, allowing you to quickly grasp the relative contribution of each source to your overall lead pool.

By analyzing the leads by source, you can identify which channels or strategies are generating the most leads for your business. This information enables you to focus your resources and efforts on the most effective lead sources, maximizing your lead generation potential.

Scheduler Reports: Leads by Geography

The Leads by Geography section offers a comprehensive table providing detailed insights into your leads categorized by geographies or countries. It provides valuable information about the geographical areas where your leads are concentrated.

By understanding the geographic distribution of your leads, you can tailor your sales and marketing efforts to specific regions, identify potential areas for expansion, and personalize your outreach strategies based on the preferences and characteristics of leads from different locations.

Customize the Dashboard

For further customization, click the Customize option.

A pop-up window displays a list of all available graphs and charts. Here, you can select or deselect specific components to tailor the dashboard according to your preferences.

Click Save.


Customize the Date Range: Tailor the reports to a specific period by adjusting the Date Range according to your preferences.

Filter by Form: Use the filter option to select a specific form for which you want to generate reports, focusing on the relevant data.

Flexible Viewing Options: Choose to view reports on a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly basis, depending on the level of granularity you require.

Export for Analysis: Download the graphs and charts by clicking on the Export button, allowing you to conduct further analysis and share the insights with your team.

With Outplay's Scheduler Reports, gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging the comprehensive dashboard, customizing reports, and exporting data for analysis, you can optimize your scheduling activities and achieve success in your sales efforts.

Updated on: 28/06/2024

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