Slack Integration

In this article, we will discuss how to connect Slack to Outplay.

Outplay now has native integration with Slack, which is one of the most commonly used communication applications for many organizations. 

Configure Slack With Outplay.

Setting up Slack with Outplay. 

The initial setup for getting Slack Integrated with Outplay will need to be done by the owner/admin of Slack and Outplay.

  • Log in to Outplay
  • Admin needs to perform the first-time authentication and Setup
  • Navigate to Settings
  • Navigate to Integrations & API
  • Click on the toggle to enable Slack integration and verify the authentication.
  • Slack will ask the admin to create a channel on which they would like to receive the notifications.

  • Each user will have a Slack enable toggle under my account, which has to be enabled.
  • Users will need to navigate to Slack App Market and search for "OutplayHQ"
  • Download the application.
  • Once Slack is integrated, a new bot channel will emerge with the name created by the admin which will enable the users to receive notifications as well as receive the retrieved information using slash commands.

Navigate to Notifications within Settings in Outplay.

  • OP Admins for a particular account should be able to integrate Slack notifications for the team. Once integrated, the users can automate the integration by following certain steps:
  • Users can click on the + icon on their Slack and search for “OutplayHQ”
  • They can click on Add, OutplayHQ will be added as a channel.
  • Click on the OutplayHQ icon.
  • Users will be able to see Slack configuration and command lines to execute notifications.

Setting up Notifications for All users:

Under settings for notifications users will be allowed to set up preferences of notifications that they wish to receive module-wise:
Outplay dashboard->Notifications.

Users will have the option to enable notifications and configure them as per their criteria from this section.
Notifications are provided for emails, opens, replies, calls & SMS, etc.


Configuring a Deal Room

A Deal Room is a channel that’s created in Slack when an opportunity or prospect is valued at/above a specific amount or at a certain stage. This option offers you and other team managers/members the flexibility to collaborate, engage with key decision-makers, and be notified about every stage of that important deal in real time.

To create a Deal Room, create an Opportunity by following the steps here: Once an Opportunity with the matching criteria is created, a Deal Room will be created in Slack.

You can then choose what notifications you want to receive! Go to “Notifications” > “Deal Rooms” > “Configure what you receive in Deal Rooms” to select which notifications you want to receive in the Deal Room channel. Activity notifications are sent to the channel hourly and can be turned off by unchecking the “Activities on the opportunity” item.

Slack command Lines - 



Slash Command





Once the command is entered a pop-up will appear with the following data fields to be entered

0. Select task type (drop down with options such as email, call, LinkedIn, Twitter, and SMS

1. Select Prospect using the search bar
2. Task Description
3. Date
4. Time
5. Assign To
6. Priority
7. Action Parameter (only when selected the type is LinkedIn and Twitter)



/op-addtasknotes <prospectname>

Once this command is entered it shall open up a pop-up for adding notes or editing notes pre-populated that are already added.




Once the command is entered it shall display all the tasks on the users' dashboard with the following CTA:

1. Today

2. Upcoming

3. Due

4. Completed

5. Skipped

A click on each button shall display the tasks with the following details:

1. Task Name
2. Task Type
3. Severity
4. Due (due in one hour)
5. Assigned To:





Once this slash command is entered a pop-up window appears with the following data fields

1. Name
2. Website
3. Tags
4. Industry
5. Stage

The mandatory fields here would be Name, Domain Name, and Web URL


/op-searchaccount <accountname>

Once this slash command is entered, and the account name is added, suggestions show up for the account name where they can select from the suggestions.

When clicked on entering, it would display the following details

1. Account Name
2. Stage
3. Account Owner
4. Number of prospects
5. Last Contacted


/op-addaccountnotes <accountname>

Once this command is entered it shall open up a pop-up for adding notes or editing notes pre-populated that are already added.


/op-changeaccountstage <accountname>

Once this command is entered the account stage of the account will be displayed and the stage can be changed by users from the dropdown on the displayed stage




Once this command is entered it shall open a pop-up screen with the following data input fields:

1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email
4. Title
5. Phone
6. Timezone

Button: Cancel/Create

The mandatory buttons shall be an email address and Phone Number


/op- addprospecttosequence

This command once entered shall open up a pop-up as mentioned in the design


/op-searchprospect <prospectname>

This command should list down all the prospects when the prospect’s first name is entered with scroll and select the particular prospect and view the details. The details shown would be in the column:

1. Prospect First Name
2. Prospect Second Name
3. Company
4. Work email
5. Mobile Phone
6. Deal Stage
7. Tag
8. Owner
9. Date Created


/op-addprospectnotes <prospectname>

Once this command is entered it shall open up a pop-up for adding notes or editing notes pre-populated that are already added.


/op-changeprospectstage <prospectname>

Once this command is entered it would suggest the prospect name from which users can select the prospect. Once selected it would display the stage of the prospect. In case the prospect isn’t assigned any stage it would ask for assigning the stage or changing the stages from a list of dropdowns. The new set stage would be automatically updated in the dashboard.



/op-searchopportunity <opportunityname>

Once this command is entered it shall open up a suggestion when the user starts typing the opportunity name. Once the opportunity is selected the following information is displayed:

1. Opportunity Name
2. No. of prospects
3. Amount
4. Stage
5. Tag
6. Close date
7. Owner
8. Created date
9. Last edit made on the date



/op-addopportunitynotes <opportunityname>

Once this command is entered it shall open up a pop-up for adding notes or editing notes pre-populated that are already added.



/op-changeopportunitystage <opportunityname>

Once this command is entered the opportunity stage of the opportunity will be displayed and the stage can be changed by users from the dropdown on the displayed stage



About Section (Help for Slash Commands)

Outplay is the ultimate platform to perfect your sales process by elevating your sales engagement by managing prospects and helping in creating and closing more leads.

See what’s Outplay Bot has in for you:

  • Give you a ready reckoner for your calls, emails, and SMS.

  • Assist you to create and edit sequences.

  • Keep track of your prospects visiting your websites.

  • Help you create and edit accounts and mention your team member.


Use / to start a command

View Task Details

 Start Command

Create Task Details

 Start Command

View Account Details

 Start Command

Create a New Account

 Start Command

Create a new prospect

 Start Command


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