Hubspot - Outplay Integration
How to set up integration with Hubspot with Outplay.
Outplay supports integration with HubSpot CRM so that you can sync the data on both platforms.
This is a native and bi-directional integration, which means you can send your data from Outplay to HubSpot and vice-versa without any third-party tools.

What data can be synced through the integration?
You can sync the data of the Contacts, Companies, Deals using this integration.
Contacts and Companies can be synced bi-directionally while the Deals have only Inbound sync, that is from Hubspot to Outplay.
You can also have all your activity related to email, call logs, notes, meeting logs, voicemails, and other engagements synced onto your CRM from Outplay.
Filters to sync lists from HubSpot
You can now create a list of contacts in HubSpot and sync the particular list by using the Filter option in the Outplay's Integration settings. Ensure to map the right filter to have the contacts synced into Outplay.

How to set up Hubspot and Outplay integration?
Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of the page.
Click on Settings
Under Company click on Integrations & API
Select the toggle in the Hubspot banner

5.Login in to your Hubspot using your credentials

Once authentication is successful, it will be navigated to the Types tab.

Click on any of the types displayed (People, Deal and Organization) for field mapping and to your configure sync settings.

8.Click on the three-dot menu to edit or delete the field mapping and change the direction of sync(field level).

9.Turn on the periodic poll, set the poll frequency to your desired time(set to 10 min by default, which is the minimum), and configure your sync settings.
You can visit the prospect's profile Hubspot at a click of a button that you have in the prospect's profile on Outplay.
Note: Only the contacts that are created on Hubspot after integration is set-up gets synced automatically.
To sync the old prospects, please update any field for them in Hubspot and then click on sync to sync immediately.
You can also wait for the automatic sync cycle to complete.
User Mapping and Sync
In the User Mapping section, you can map the Outplay user to their respective Hubspot account.
On completing the user mapping, contacts and companies that are owned by an owner in Hubspot will be synced to the user's Outplay account.
Include Objects not owned by the Mapped Users
Let's say there is a scenario where you have an SDR who has a Hubspot account but does not have an Outplay account and you want that the Contacts mapped to that SDR in Hubspot account should sync to Outplay then you should turn on this setting on the User Mapping Page ' Include Objects not owned by the Mapped Users'.
After turning this on and when the contacts sync onto Outplay, they are assigned to the SDR whose account is set as Default in Outplay User Mapping.
If you want to make some other SDR as default then you can do that by clicking on the three dots on the right side.
Hubspot Prospect Co-Owner field -
Users can now assign a co-owner field within Outplay which can be mapped to the Hubspot User type field created in Hubspot.
Navigate to Setting, Field Configuration
Create a Custom field with type as Lookup and Map Lookup field to User.
A check box will appear as Consider this for dual ownership. If this is clicked then the system will look for the rights of dual ownership in roles & permissions
Navigate to the Hubspot, Object type, Field Mapping, and Map the lookup field create in the above step with the alternate owner field created.*
We will track all the activities for the owner and co-owner if they make any changes in the plaform.
Hubspot Activity Triggers
You can do various activities in Hubspot from Creating a Contact/ Deal to Setting the Deal Stage based on the Action/Activity done on a Prospect in Outplay.**
We have the following triggers in HubSpot integration:
Email sent: This trigger is enabled by default. You can add the action based on your requirement. Upon email sent in Outplay, you can create Contact in HubSpot, Record Engagement for Contact, Create deal in the pipeline you want, and also set the status for the deal, Record Engagement for Deal
Similarly, all these actions will be done on Link click, Email reply, Not added/Updated, Call logged, meeting booked, Unsubscribe and Task created/updated triggers.
Updated on: 27/06/2024
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