Articles on: Integrations

Calendly - Outplay Integration

Outplay now Integrates with Calendly, which allows users to either use the inhouse Calendar or Calendly if needed.

What is Calendly?

Calendly is your hub for scheduling meetings professionally and efficiently, eliminating the hassle of back-and-forth emails so you can get back to work.

How to set up Calendly within Outplay?

Login into Outplay.
Navigate to Settings.
Navigate to Integrations & API
Please make sure the Email ID registered in Calendly and in Outplay should be the same.
Login into Calendly.
Please note, the user should be an admin in Calendly.
Once the Calendly is enabled, click on the Calendly icon to complete the setup.

    Under Calendly, only inbound integration can be enabled as shown in the screenshots below.


Users should have a Calendly pro account as the minimum requirement
The user who is connecting Calendly in Outplay should be an admin in Calendly.
We recommend not to connect Gmail calendar or Office 365 calendar in Outplay if you are using Calendly as they will overlap.
If multiple hosts are mentioned in the Calendly meeting then only one of the hosts will be picked as meeting organizer in Outplay, other hosts will be made as an attendee.
Meetings coming from Calendly are visible on the prospect activity page

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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