Articles on: Outplay's Sales Agency

Clients Page

Below are the list of columns available under list view

Expand <> Collapse Icon -- Expand this client to view list of users
Client Logo and Name with impersonate icon -- Name of the client
Manager with photo, name and email id -- Account Manger for this client
Active Users -- Total no. of active users working on this client
Total Emails Sent -- Total emails sent in last 30 days
Total Prospects -- Total active prospects till date in this client
Active Sequence(s) -- Total Active sequences in this client
Status -- Client Status whether Active or Inactive
More Actions -- Edit , Disable or Enable the client

Sorting can be done on

Client Name
Manager Name
Prospects Count
Sequence Count
Active Users Count
Emails Sent Count

Filters available are

Client Status
Prospects Count
Sequence Count
Active Users Count
Emails Sent Count
User Name

Assigning Users to Client

Click on Add User to assign user to client

Search by name or the email id and matching results will start appearing. You can assign more than 1 user in one shot.

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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