How to create custom sequence performance reports
Generate sequence performance reports with metrics of your choice.
After creating and running sequences, you can generate custom sequence performance reports on Outplay. This offers you invaluable insights into the sequences you created to make necessary changes to drive better sales process outcomes.
View sequence performance data with multiple metrics, save views, apply filters and generate the reports you want on Outplay easily.
This article discusses the following:
View all kinds of sequence performance data
Create custom views for sequence performance reports
Apply filters to sequence performance reports
Manage filters on sequence performance reports
Export a sequence performance report
View all kinds of sequence performance data
On Outplay, click Reports on the sidebar menu.
On the top panel, click Sequences. Here, you can view all sequences created in your organization and their performance metrics.
Click the Column Arrangement icon.
The Column Arrangement window pops up. Here, you will have two sections:
Available List: This section displays a list of sequence performance metrics that can be added to your reports and viewed in the sequence performance reports.
Visible List: This section displays a list of sequence performance metrics that are already visible in the sequence performance reports.
In the Available List, you can add and view the following sequence performance metrics:
Meetings booked
% Opened
% Clicked
% Replied
% Bounced
Prospects Enrolled
Sequence Type
Total Emails Sent
Total number of Steps
Skipped Steps
Calls Logged
Calls Skipped
Overdue Steps
Completed Steps
On time Steps
Number of WhatsApp Steps
WhatsApp Steps Completed
WhatsApp Steps Skipped
Number of LinkedIn Steps
Number of LinkedIn Steps Completed
Number of LinkedIn Steps Skipped
Total Replies: Total number of first email responses received as part of a sequence
Objection Positive: The % of email responses classified as positive
Objection Authority: The % of emails from prospects that are classified as referrals to contact other people in the organization
Objection Competitor
Objection Not Interested
Objection Budget and Timing
Objection Other: The % of email responses from prospects that couldn’t be classified under any specific objection. For example, Neutral Responses, Customer Support Questions, and Unsupported Languages.
Select the metric you require from the Available List.
Click Save.
The selected metric is added to the Visible List and displayed in the sequence performance reports.
Create custom views for sequence performance reports
You can add specific sequence performance metrics to your reports and save the view for later.
On Outplay, click Reports on the sidebar menu.
On the top panel, click Sequences. Here, you can view all sequences and their performance metrics.
Click the Column Arrangement icon.
The Column Arrangement window pops up. Here, you can view two sections:
Available List: This section displays a list of sequence performance metrics that can be added to your reports and viewed in the sequence performance reports.
Visible List: This section displays a list of sequence performance metrics that are already visible in the sequence performance reports.
If you want to add a specific sequence performance metric, the metric can be selected from the Available List and added to the Visible List.
You can arrange the columns in the sequence performance report by organizing the metrics in the Visible List in the desired order using the move icon.
You can remove a sequence performance metric by clicking the delete icon next to the metric in the Visible List.
Click Save.
The sequence performance report is displayed as per your requirement.
TIP: Outplay will retain your last view for the sequence performance reports and display the same when reopened.
Apply filters to sequence performance reports
Apply filters to your sequence performance reports to have better insights into specific sequences.
On Outplay, click Reports on the sidebar menu.
On the top panel, click the Sequences tab. On the following page, you can view all sequences and their performance metrics.
Click Filter.
A drop-down list will appear. Click the Sequences tab.
Select the filter you require from the following list:
Sequence Status
All Sequences
Prospect Stage
Prospect Title
Account Stage
Opened %
Clicked %
Replied %
Opt Out
Click Apply Filters.
The filter is applied and the sequences that fulfill the criteria are listed.
Manage filters on sequence performance reports
On Outplay, you can save a filter as a view. Additionally, you can edit, set as default or delete filters as per your requirement.
Save Filter as a View
After applying filters on the sequence performance reports page, click the Save View button.
The Save Filter window pops up.
Here, you can complete the following fields:
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of the filter. |
Owner | Enter the name of the creator of the filter. |
Share With | Choose with whom you want to share the filter. |
Applied Filters | The applied filters will be listed here. |
Click Save.
The filter is saved as a view.
NOTE: Multiple filters can be applied and saved to create a view.
Edit, Set as Default and Delete a filter
On the sequence performance reports page, click the View tab.
A drop-down list displaying all the saved filters will appear.
Click the kebab icon menu next to the filter.
A drop-down menu with the following options will appear:
Edit: Edit a filter as required. Select the option and a pop-up window will appear. The changes to the filter can be made on the same and saved.
Set as Default: Select the option if you want to set the filter as the default view in the sequence performance reports.
Delete: Select the option if you want to delete the filter.
Export a sequence performance report
On the Sequence Performance Report page, click Export Report.
All the visible sequence performance data is exported and downloaded to your system as an excel worksheet.
NOTE: If you have applied a filter, only the sequences that meet the criteria set by the filter will be exported and downloaded.
Updated on: 26/06/2024
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