How to Grant Conversation Intelligence Permissions for a Role on Outplay
Grant team members access to use CI with specific permissions
If you want to grant team members or users in your Outplay account permission to use Conversation Intelligence, you can easily modify their roles and grant specific permissions.
NOTE: Permissions can be granted by an Outplay Admin only.
Here's how you can grant Conversation Intelligence permissions for a role on Outplay:
Log into Outplay and click the Intelligence tab.

Navigate to Profile and select Settings from the drop-down menu.

Click on Roles & Permissions from the sidebar menu.

Here, you can view all the default and created roles in your Outplay account. Select the role you want to grant permissions for and click the More Options button. Then, select the Edit option.

In the Permissions page for the role, navigate to the Intelligence section. Here, you can select the checkboxes for specific permissions, including:
View All Recordings
View Recordings Owned By Same Team
Upload Recording
Change/Replace Speaker
Manage Bot Setup
Manage Consent Page
Manage Topics Creation

Click Update.
You have granted specific Conversation Intelligence permissions for the selected role on Outplay successfully.
NOTE: Keep in mind that once you grant these permissions, team members with that role will be able to use Conversation Intelligence with the selected permissions. If you need to modify the permissions in the future, simply follow the same steps above and update the permissions for the role.
Updated on: 06/06/2024
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