How to skip a task on Outplay
Skip tasks you're unable to complete right away
The Skip Task feature on Outplay allows you to bypass tasks that you are unable to complete. It is useful for sales reps who encounter obstacles while working through their task list, as it allows them to move forward without having to wait for a resolution.
Skipped tasks are still counted in the platform's metrics, providing valuable insights into the performance of the sales sequence. The Skip Task feature on Outplay helps sales reps to be more productive and efficient, by enabling them to focus on the tasks that they can complete and make progress in their sales engagement.
NOTE: Skipped tasks will still be reflected in your sequence metrics, allowing you to assess and make necessary adjustments to your sequence.
TIP: Admins can skip multiple tasks at once through the use of bulk actions.
Here’s how you can skip a task on Outplay:
Log into Outplay. Under the Engagement section, click Tasks from the sidebar menu.

Select the the task you want to skip, click the More Options button, and select the Skip option.
NOTE: You can select the checkboxes for multiple tasks.

The Skip Task window pops up. Click Yes to proceed further.

The task is skipped successfully.
Updated on: 23/05/2024
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