Articles on: Prospects and Accounts

How to View and Manage Your Prospects on Outplay

Learn how to filter, sort, create custom views of your prospects

One of the key features of Outplay is its prospect management capabilities. Outplay enables you to filter, sort, and create custom views of your prospects, based on different criteria such as stage, status, and engagement level. This makes it easy for sales reps to focus on the prospects that matter most and prioritize their outreach accordingly.

In this article, we'll show you how to view and manage your prospects in Outplay, and how to export them. Get the most out of your prospecting efforts and drive more sales for your business.

Log into Outplay. In the Engagement section, click Prospects from the sidebar menu.

You can view all the prospects in your account here.

Filter your prospects

To filter your prospects:

Click the Filters button.

Select the filter of your choice.

You can select a specific attribute by which you want to filter the list. For example, you can select the Owner filter and select a team member’s name.

Click Apply Filters.

NOTE: To understand filters in the Prospects section, click here

Sort your prospects

To sort your prospects:

Click the Sort button.

Select the sort of your choice.

You can also choose to view the prospects in ascending/ descending order.

The prospects are sorted as per your preference. 

NOTE: To understand sort in the Prospects section, click here

View prospect data of your choice

With Outplay, you have the flexibility to select and organize prospect data according to your preferences, enabling you to create a customized view that suits your specific needs. You can arrange the columns of the Prospect section and view prospect data of your choice. 

In the Prospect section, click the Column Arrangement button.

The Column Arrangement window pops up. Here, there are two sections:
Available List: Displays a list of prospect metrics that can be added and viewed in the Prospects section.
Visible List: Displays a list of prospects metrics that are already visible in the Prospects section.

Select the metric you require from the Available List. The same is added to the Visible List.

Click Save.

The columns in the Prospects section are arranged as per your requirement. 

TIP: You can use the Move icon for each metric and arrange the columns in the Prospects section. The columns are presented in the order of appearance under the Visible List.

TIP: You can click the Delete icon to remove a metric column from the section.

Create and Save Views

To create and save a view of your choice:

In the Prospects section, click Save View after applying the filters and/or sort of your choice.

In the Save View window, you can complete the following fields:
Name: Enter a name for the view.
Owner: Select the user who would own the view.
Share With: Select who can access the view.

Click Save.

The view has been created and saved successfully. 

NOTE: You can click the Views button to find all your saved views.

Updated on: 24/06/2024

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