Lookup fields for Salesforce users!
Lookup fields in Salesforce can be synced into Outplay
You can now create lookup fields in Outplay and sync them with your Salesforce Integration. On selecting Lookup, a new drop-down called 'Map Lookup field to' will be enabled and provides you with 5 different options as Prospect, Account, Opportunity, User, and Others. You can create custom fields from the Field Configuration section.
To Navigate,
Go to your Profile >> Settings >> Field Configuration >> Add custom Field

The field name which is added here will be visible in Integrations & API >> CRM >> Field configuration mapping screen.
Here, if user is trying to map the lookup field from CRM with text field in outplay then the system will show a new field as Display Name instead of record Id. With this option system will show the name instead of ID.
NOTE: You can map Lookup field of Salesforce to Lookup field of Outplay and Lookup field of Salesforce to Text field in Outplay.
Updated on: 31/05/2024
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