Articles on: Integrations

Salesforce errors and their fixes

Status Not Found

Error : Failed to set Lead Status. Status not found - [Stage Name]
Description : The Lead status you selected for lead is not Present in salesforce. This occurs during outbound prospects. Prospect will be created in CRM but lead status cannot be sent
Recommendation : Please choose an existing lead status from Salesforce or Create the lead status in Salesforce.

Cannot reference converted lead

Error : cannot reference converted lead
Description : This error indicates that the lead record has been converted into a contact. Once a lead is converted, it becomes a contact, and the original lead record can no longer be updated. This occurs during outbound prospects.
Recommendation: Ensure that Contact Auto Sync is enabled so that whenever a lead is converted to a contact in Salesforce, it will also be converted in Outplay, and updates will flow seamlessly.



Error : Invalid cross reference id or Invalid cross reference Key
Description : The sync is failing because Outplay cannot find the CRM ID of the object in Salesforce. This is likely due to the object being deleted or merged in Salesforce. This occurs during outbound prospects. Prospect will not get updated/activities will not be synced to CRM as the record deleted in CRM
Recommendation :
Please ensure that you enable 'Enable Merged & Deleted Records' in the lead/contact sync settings. This will ensure that whenever any record is merged or deleted in Salesforce, the corresponding record in Outplay will also be merged or deleted accordingly.
Navigate to Salesforce –> Lead/Contact Object Mapping, then disable 'Show Deleted Objects'. Search for the lead/contact with the email ID for which activity sync is failing, and delete that record. This will remove the existing mapping. we should edit any field for that record in outplay allowing a new record to be created in Salesforce.



Description: This error occurs when access rights prevent modification of the cross-reference ID. This can happen if you attempt to update a non-existent record in Salesforce or modify a field that is designated as 'read-only. This occurs during outbound prospects.
Recommendation: Please review the sharing and permissions settings for the record, and check the Field Level Security and Field Accessibility settings on the Quote Document Object.



Error: Insufficient access or read only
Description: This error message occurs when our system tries to modify a Salesforce field with restricted or 'Read Only' permissions, preventing user edits
Recommendation: The Salesforce admin needs to update the field-level security for specific fields in your Salesforce instance. Once these fields are adjusted to allow access based on Salesforce roles, permission sets, or read-only settings, users will be able to log their Outplay activity to Salesforce.



Error : Invalid field or no such column
Description: This issue occurs when data is sent to a Salesforce field that has been deleted or modified. This occurs during outbound prospects. Data for that field will not be synced to CRM
Recommendation : Please review the field mapping to identify any deleted fields. Remap the fields accordingly


Invalid Grant

Error: Invalid Grant/Invalid Token
Description: This error occurs if your Salesforce login token has expired, if you have changed your password, or if you do not have access to the connected Salesforce account. Both inbound and outbound will not work
Recommendation: Reconnect Salesforce in Outplay. To reconnect, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API page


Error: RATE_LIMIT: Too Many Requests. Please check the API Limits of your account.
Description: This error is related to your Salesforce API usage limits
Recommendation: First, check if API limits are consumed in Outplay by navigating to Salesforce > API Usage. If the limits are exceeded, you can increase the limits under Outplay-specific API call usage in the last 24 hours.
If Outplay-specific API call usage limits in the last 24 hours are available but Salesforce limits are exceeded, try adding more API limits or wait a few hours for API limits to become available.


Error: Required fields are missing
Description: The record you are trying to sync has a missing field which is required by your salesforce instance. This occurs during outbound prospects. Prospect will not be created in CRM. This occurs in outbound sync
Recommendation: Map the required field in Outplay > Salesforce field mappings. If already mapped, ensure that data is present on the Outplay side for those fields.


String Too Long

Error: String Too Long
Description: This error occurs because there is a character limit on the Salesforce end. This occurs in outbound data for that field will not flow to SF
Recommendation: Please increase the character limit in Salesforce for that field to prevent the error.

Invalid Field Name

Error: Field 'field name has invalid value 'krishnasss' for Outplay id 17082562
Description: This error occurs because the field you are trying to update does not accept the value provided by Outplay. For example, if you are syncing an Outplay text field to a Salesforce boolean field that only accepts 'True' or 'False', but a different value was given in the Outplay field.This occurs in outbound. Data for that field will not sync to CRM.
Recommendation: Map the Outplay text field to a Salesforce text field, or ensure proper values like 'True' or 'False' are passed when syncing to a boolean field.

Owner Field Mandatory

Error: Owner ID: owner cannot be blank
Description: The sync is failing because Outplay cannot find the CRM ID of the object in Salesforce. This is likely due to the object being deleted or merged in Salesforce. This occurs in outbound. Activity will not be synced to CRM
Please ensure that you enable 'Enable Merged & Deleted Records' in the lead/contact sync settings. This will ensure that whenever any record is merged or deleted in Salesforce, the corresponding record in Outplay will also be merged or deleted accordingly
Navigate to Salesforce > Lead/Contact Object Mapping, then disable 'Show Deleted Objects'. Search for the lead/contact with the email ID for which activity sync is failing, and delete that record. This will remove the existing mapping, then we should edit any field for that record in outplay allowing a new record to be created in Salesforce.

Prospect in restricted domain

Error: Prospect email is part of restricted domain list. Hence skipping it
Description: The domain is added in do not create prospects section in outplay org settings, so the record is not getting created in Outplay. This occurs in inbound. Prospect will not be created in outplay
Recommendation: If you want to create the prospect in Outplay with the domain, remove the domain from the 'Do Not Create Prospect' section in the Outplay org settings

Invalid field value

Description: The “Invalid Field Value” error in Outplay during inbound syncing typically arises when the CRM provides a value for a specific field that is incompatible with the accepted formats or data types in Outplay. When this error occurs, the field’s data fails to sync correctly, meaning Outplay does not store the provided value, potentially leading to incomplete or missing records.
When the description field in the CRM is mapped to the Outplay custom text field, syncing a description longer than 500 characters will result in an “invalid field value” error, as Outplay only accepts up to 500 characters.
When phone number provided in CRM is in invalid format.
Recommendation: To troubleshoot and resolve this issue
Check Field Mapping: Ensure the field from the CRM is mapped to the correct corresponding field in Outplay.
Review Supported Field Values: Verify that the data being sent from the CRM matches the acceptable formats or values that Outplay supports for that field.
Validate Data Types: Ensure the data type (text, number, date, etc.) is correct for the field in question.
Error Logs: Check error logs in Outplay to understand more details about which field and value triggered the error.
By reviewing these factors, you can often resolve the syncing error and ensure the field values sync properly between systems.


Permission Error

Error : Entity type cannot be inserted: lead/contact/AccountOpportunity
Description: This occurs if the connected user don’t have create/update permissions, only if he has read only permissions. Records will not be created in both inbound and outbound.
Recommendation: Connect with an account who has all the permissions

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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