Set up your chat widget
Set up the greeting message that you show, an auto-reply if you're not present, and whether prospects can book a meeting from the chat.
When a prospect clicks a link to your website from an Outplay email, they can chat with you using the Outplay chat widget.
This means you can continue the conversation you've been having with the prospect smoothly in a way that feels natural to the prospect, instead of your regular chat widget interrupting them with the same old qualifying questions.
To make sure your prospects have a great experience, set up your chat widget to welcome your prospects, and let them know they can chat with you live.
Set up your chat widget on the chat Settings page.

Note: Make sure your admin has added the Outplay chat widget to your website.
In the Chat screen, click Settings.
Open the Chat screen by clicking the more options arrow in the navigation panel.
Type the Name you want to display for yourself.
Type a Greeting message to display when the chat bubble appears.
Type the Auto-reply message to send to the prospect if you're not available to chat.
Select if you want the prospect to be able to book a meeting with you from the chat.
Click Save.
Updated on: 27/06/2024
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