Articles on: Meeting Scheduler

Invite leads to book a meeting via Scheduling Link

The easiest way to book meetings out there!

Your sales pipeline is strong and your leads have been responding in your favor. Your goal is within sight. However, the hassle of going back and forth to schedule meetings is the only task standing in your way. Well, not anymore!

With Meeting Scheduler, you can create a Scheduling Link to invite your leads to book meetings with you. You can share this smart link across any platform and offer your leads access to your calendar. They can view available time slots and instantly book meetings with you, all with just one link! 

NOTE: To share a Scheduling Link, you have to create a meeting type.

Here’s how you can find your Scheduling Link:

On Outplay, click the Scheduler tab on the top panel.

The Inbound Leads page is displayed by default. Click the Meeting Type option from the sidebar menu.

On the following page, you can view all your meeting types. Navigate to the meeting type you want to share and click the Copy Link button in the Scheduling Link column.

The Scheduling Link is copied to your clipboard. You can share the Scheduling Link and invite leads to fill out your form and book a meeting with you. 

When a lead clicks on your scheduling link, they are taken to the form where they can submit the requested details. 

After they submit the form, they are redirected to a meeting page where they can select a convenient time slot on your calendar for the meeting.  

TIP: You can track your leads by adding UTM Parameters to your scheduling link. To read more, click here.

Updated on: 28/06/2024

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