Articles on: Meeting Scheduler

Track leads with UTM Parameters on Meeting Scheduler

On Meeting Scheduler by Outplay, you can track lead flows using Urchin Tracking Module or UTM parameters. UTM Parameters are short codes that can be added to your link or embed code to understand where your leads are coming from. They help you track the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

What are the UTM Parameters?

There are five types of UTM parameters that you can use, they are:

UTM Source: Defines the site from where the lead came to book a meeting with you. For example, if you have a campaign through Google, you can add “utm_source=Google” to your link or embed code.

UTM Campaign: Track which of your campaigns brought the lead in. For example, you can add “utm_campaign=supersale” to your links or embed code.

UTM Medium: Track where your meeting link originated from. For example, if you used your meeting link in your email campaigns, you can add “utm_medium=email” to your link or embed code.

UTM Content: Find where your leads clicked on a specific webpage to book a meeting with you. For example, you can add “utm_content=body” for a link or embed code in your website’s body.

UTM Term: Track specific keywords for PPC (Pay per Click) Ads. For example, if you have an ad running for the keywords “sales engagement”, you can add “utm_term:sales+engagement” to your link or embed code.

You can add your UTM codes to your Scheduling Link by adding a ‘?’ after the link.

It should look like this:\_source=Google_

You can add multiple UTM codes by separating them with ��strong>&��

It should look like this:\_source=Google&utm\_campaign=supersale_

You can add multiple UTM codes by separating them with ‘&’.

It should look like this:\_source=Google&utm\_campaign=super%20sale_

Add UTM Parameters to Embed Code

You can add UTM parameters to your embed code to track your lead flow. Here’s what it should look like:

NOTE: A minimum of one UTM parameter should be added to the embed code to track your lead flow. 

NOTE: If you have embedded a meeting type on a webpage, you can track leads by adding UTM codes to the URL of the webpage. UTM Codes can be added to URLs as shown for Scheduling Links. 

It should look like this:**_?utm\_source=Google&utm\_campaign=super%20sale_**

NOTE: You can track these parameters from any page as long as you use it with the Chat/ Website Tracking feature. 

NOTE: You can view UTM data under the Activity tab on the lead's information panel. Simply select a lead on the Inbound Leads page and navigate to their Activity section. 

Updated on: 28/06/2024

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