Articles on: Prospects and Accounts

Mark a prospect as replied

You can manually mark a prospect as having replied, for when they reply via a different channel.

Sometimes a prospect might reply by a channel that isn't controlled by your Outplay account, such as a LinkedIn message, or in-person. In that case, you can manually mark them as having replied, so you can correctly follow up.

You can mark a prospect as having replied:

In their profile screen.

In the sequence Prospects screen.

In the sequence Emails screen.

Mark the prospect as having replied from their prospect profile

In the Prospects screen, click the prospect you want to mark as replied.

Click Sequences.

Click the options icon next to the sequence you want to mark as replied to.

Click Mark Replied.

Mark the prospect as having replied in the sequence Prospects screen

In the Sequences screen, click the sequence you want to mark the prospect as replying to.

Click Prospects.

Select the check box next to the prospects you want to mark as replied.

Click the options button.

Click Mark as Replied.

Mark the prospect as having replied in the sequence Emails screen

In the Sequences screen, click the sequence you want to mark the prospect as replying to.

Click Emails.

Click the options icon next to the email you want to mark as replied to.

Click Mark Replied.

Updated on: 07/06/2024

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