Articles on: Outplay Connect Chrome Ext

Outplay Connect Chrome Extension for Zoho CRM

Access Outplay and complete tasks from Zoho CRM.

With Outplay Connect, you can swiftly add contacts and leads to your Outplay account as prospects. The extension fetches all available information about a contact/ lead with a click, allows access to your Outplay account without switching tabs, and helps you complete tasks on-to-go.

Outplay Connect Chrome Extension must be installed.
Outplay - Zoho CRM integration must be active.
You must be logged into your Outplay and Zoho CRM account.

This article discusses the following:

Outplay Connect on Zoho CRM
Import Contacts from Zoho CRM to Outplay
Import Leads from Zoho CRM to Outplay
Import Contacts from Zoho CRM Accounts to Outplay
Add Contacts to Outplay sequences directly
Add Leads to Outplay sequences directly
Breeze through your daily Outplay tasks from Zoho CRM

Outplay Connect on Zoho CRM

After the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension is installed, you can find the Outplay Connect widget in the top panel on Zoho CRM.

Import Contacts from Zoho CRM to Outplay

Import a single Contact to Outplay

On Zoho CRM, click the Contacts tab on the top panel.

Select the contact you want to import to Outplay.

You will be directed to the Contact Information page. Simultaneously, the Outplay Connect panel slides out from the right.

If the contact has not been added to Outplay as a prospect earlier, Outplay Connect displays the Add Prospect button. Click the Add Prospect button.

In the Add Prospect section, contact information, such as Name, Email Address and Contact Number, is auto-populated in their respective fields.

Click Create.

The contact is imported to Outplay and saved as a prospect.  

Import multiple Contacts to Outplay

On Zoho CRM, click the Contacts tab on the top panel.

Select the checkboxes for the contacts you want to import to Outplay.

Click the Import to Outplay button.

The Import Status window pops up and displays the progress of the import.

When the import is complete, the Import Status dialog box closes and a notification stating that “*Imports will be processed shortly**” is displayed.

The contacts are imported to Outplay and saved as prospects. 

Import Leads from Zoho CRM to Outplay

Import a single Lead to Outplay

On Zoho CRM, click the Leads tab on the top panel.

Click the lead you want to import to Outplay.

You will be directed to the Lead Information page. Simultaneously, the Outplay Connect panel slides out from the right.

If the lead has not been added to Outplay as a prospect, Outplay Connect displays the Add Prospect button. Click the Add Prospect button.

In the Add Prospect section, lead information, such as Name, Email Address and Contact Number, is auto-populated in their respective fields.

Click Create.

The lead is imported to Outplay and saved as a prospect.  

Import multiple Leads to Outplay

On Zoho CRM, click the Leads tab on the top panel.

Select the checkboxes for the leads you want to import to Outplay.

Click the Import to Outplay button on the top panel.

The Import Status dialog box pops up and displays the progress of the import.

When the import is complete, the Import Status dialog box closes and a notification stating that Imports will be processed shortly is displayed.

The leads are imported to Outplay and saved as prospects. 

Import Contacts from Zoho CRM Accounts to Outplay

On Zoho CRM, click the Accounts tab on the top panel.

Select the Account from which you want to import contacts to Outplay.

On the Account Information page, navigate to the Contacts section.

Click the Import to Outplay button.

The Import Status dialog box pops up and displays the progress of the import.

When the import is complete, the Import Status dialog box closes and a notification stating that Imports will be processed shortly is displayed.

The contacts of the account are imported to Outplay and saved as prospects. 

Add Contacts to Outplay sequences directly

On Zoho CRM, click the Contacts tab on the top panel.

Select the checkboxes for the contacts you want to add to an Outplay sequence.

Click the Add to Sequence button.

The Add to Sequence window pops up.

You can complete the fields as per the table below.

Search SequencesSearch for existing sequences in your Outplay account. From the drop-down list, select the sequence to which you want to add the contact to.
Add toSelect the sequence step to which you want to add the contact to.
Send Email FromChoose the mailbox from which you want to send emails to the prospect.
Select OpportunitySelect the opportunity associated with the contact.

Click Submit.

The contact is added to the selected Outplay sequence. 

NOTE: If the contact was not imported to Outplay before adding it to a sequence, a prospect will be created on Outplay and the contact information will be mapped to the same.

Add Leads to Outplay sequences directly

On Zoho CRM, click the Leads tab on the top panel.

Select the checkboxes for the leads you want to add to an Outplay sequence.

Click the Add to Sequence button.

The Add to Sequence window pops up.

You can complete the fields as per the table below:

Search SequencesSearch for existing sequences in your Outplay account. Select the sequence to which you want to add the lead to from the drop-down list.
Add ToSelect the sequence step to which you want to add the lead to.
Send Email FromChoose the mailbox from which you want to send emails to the lead.
Select OpportunitySelect the opportunity associated with the lead.

Click Submit.

The lead is added to the Outplay sequence.

NOTE: If the lead was not imported to Outplay before adding them to a sequence, a prospect will be created on Outplay and the contact information will be mapped to the same.

Breeze through your daily Outplay tasks from Zoho CRM

Complete email tasks

On Zoho CRM, click the Outplay Connect widget.

On the panel, scroll through Task Type and click Emails. Your email tasks will be listed below.
Click Start Tasks.
The Outplay Connect panel will display the Compose Email section where the prospect’s details will be auto-populated.
Once you have composed the email, click Send & Complete.

Complete Call Tasks

On Zoho CRM, click the Outplay Connect widget to access the Outplay Connect panel.
On the panel, scroll through Task Type and click Calls. Your call tasks will be listed below.
Click Start Tasks.
The Outplay Dialer will pop up next to the Outplay Connect panel.

You can complete the call, add notes and choose the Outcome of the prospect interaction.
Click Log & Complete.

Complete SMS Tasks

On Zoho CRM, click the Outplay Connect widget to access the Outplay Connect panel.

On the panel, scroll through Task Type and click SMS. Your SMS tasks will be listed below.

Click Start Tasks.

In the SMS section, you can enter the SMS Body, select the Opportunity and click Send & Complete.

You can enter the body of the message and click Send.

The SMS is sent to the prospect. 

NOTE: For all other task types, such as Twitter or WhatsApp, you will be redirected to the respective platforms to execute the task.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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