Articles on: Integrations

Understand your Salesforce sync field mapping

All CRMs have a set of field mappings that keep data in sync between Outplay and your CRMs.

Let's review how Outplay field properties sync to Salesforce fields, and vice versa below:

Apart from the above field mappings, below are the cross-functional field types supported

Field Type: Name

Outplay has separate prospect properties for First Name and Last Name. If you have configured Salesforce in such a way that it has only one contact property for the prospect's name, the data sync will consider the first word of the full name as the First Name in Outplay, and anything that comes after the first space will sync to the Last Name property.

Please note: field mappings for both the First Name and Last Name properties must be turned on for the prospect's name to correctly sync between Outplay and your CRM

Field Type: Picklist

The Custom Field Pick List feature on Outplay's Prospect enables users to conveniently choose options from a pre-populated list that mirrors their Salesforce picklist. Picklist masters have to be created in Outplay in accordance with Salesforce.

Note: Please make sure, the values for the pick list field should be the same in both systems. If the values are not the same, then it might cause errors during synch.

Field Type: Phone Number

Some users store multiple values for a property under different labels. For example, a single Phone property will have multiple labels for "Work", "Home", and "Mobile". In contrast, Outplay has the following fields

Default Phone Number
Work Phone (Alternate)
Home Phone (Alternate)
Mobile Phone (Alternate)
Other Phone (Alternate)

If a record is created in Outplay by Salesforce, the phone number that is listed first in Salesforce will synch to the Default Phone Number property in Outplay.

Any additional phone numbers will not be synced unless they are mapped with Alternate fields available in Outplay.

Field Type: Email

Some users store multiple values for a property under different labels. For example, a single Email property will have multiple labels for "Work", "Personal", and "Other". In contrast, Outplay has the following fields

Default Primary Email
Work Email (Alternate)
Personal Email (Alternate)
Other Email (Alternate)

If a record is created in Outplay by Salesforce, the primary email that is listed first in Salesforce will synch to the Default Primary Email property in Outplay.

Any additional email ids will not be synced unless they are mapped with Alternate fields available in Outplay.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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