Articles on: Integrations

Updating Recruiting stage of a contact from Outplay

In this article, we are going to discuss about how from Outplay you can change the recruiting stage of a contact

Modifying the stage from Prospect profile

Whenever the contact is synched to Outplay and already tagged to a job, mapping details will be visible in the prospect profile.

It will show the current recruiting stage mapped to the contact in Outplay. However, you can click on the drop-down next to the stage and change the same.

On modifying, the stage will be synched back to Crelate and the same will be visible in the Contact details section in Crelate.

Modifying the stage from the Opportunity page in Outplay

Navigate to the Opportunity page and search for the position name in which you want to modify the contact recruiting stage

Job/Position Name in Crelate is Opportunity Name in Outplay

Open the position and navigate to the Prospects tab

Click on the Kanban view before the Add Prospect button

Outplay will show the contacts grouped by their current recruiting stages. However, you can drag the contact from their existing stage to their new stage.

On synch, the stage will be updated back in Crelate for that contact as well.

Haven't set up your Crelate integrations yet? See our article on how to get started

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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