Why my prospects, accounts, or opportunity data is not syncing to Salesforce

The article guides Outplay Users on reviewing Salesforce sync errors and identifying the root cause to prevent future occurrences.

While syncing the data, there can be multiple reasons which fail sync With reference to that, Outplay has divided the errors into various categories.

Let's see what are categories


Category Error Description
Field Settings FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: Mailing Country There is a discrepancy between the salesforce ID and the object ID you are trying to sync. e.g. You are trying to sync prospect ID to opportunity ID.
Field Settings FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: Website is invalid. Please don't include www. eg: salesforce.com Sync is failing because Outplay is getting exceptions due to automation or validation set within your salesforce instance.
Field Settings FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: Please add a Primary Contact under Contact Roles Sync is failing because Outplay is getting exceptions due to automation or validation set within your salesforce instance.
Field Value Status Not Found: Failed to set Lead Status. Status not found - Working The status for the lead you are trying to sync doesn’t exist
Field Value INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS: ZoomInfo Supplemental Email: Invalid email address: hiro.チャイ@global.not The email id you are trying to sync is invalid
Field Value Invalid value: Invalid value in the 'No of Employees' field for object id 001EY000003Us0tYAC There is a discrepancy between field values in Ouplay and Salesforce.
Field Value STRING_TOO_LONG: Description: data value too large: Message : You are trying to sync the field which exceeds the characters limit in Salesforce.
Field Sharing INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: 001C5000009lOTE You are trying to sync a record that either not exists or is deleted or you do not have access or rights to sync/update that record
Field Missing REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [LastName] The record you are trying to sync has a missing field which is required by your salesforce instance
Object ID Invalid INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY: invalid cross reference id The sync is failing because Outplay is not able to find the CRM ID of the object in Salesforce.
Inactive User INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER: operation performed with inactive user [0055w00000DgQGI] as owner of task The user map is either incorrect or not mapped. Please check the mapping again to sync the task.
Potential Duplicates Identified DUPLICATES_DETECTED: You're creating a duplicate record. We recommend you use an existing record instead. Records cannot be created because a duplicate record or value already exists
Restricted Domain Prospect in the restricted domain: Prospect email vibhanshu.dixit@yellow.ai is part of the restricted domain list. Hence skipping it. The records you are trying to sync are part of the restricted domain.
Object Not Found ENTITY_IS_DELETED: entity is deleted  
API Limit Exceeded Rate limit error: Rate limit error occurred. OutplayAPIUsage - 15001, CRMAPIUsage - 68744 You have exceeded your API limits set in Salesforce. 
Record Locked UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW: unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 1 record: 001C5000008feyhIAA This error occurs when you are trying to sync multiple updates to the same record.
Lead Conversion


The sync is failing because Outplay is not able to find the Lead ID of the object in Salesforce. This may be because the lead is already converted.



1. How often sync logs are generated?

A: Whenever sync starts and some error happens, logs are generated at that moment. 

2. How old logs can be accessed?

A: Logs are available for the last 30 days. 

Note: Logs are available on a rollover period of 30 days. Logs for more than 30 days are not available.

3. What all data is available in the logs?

A: Refer to the table below

Table Details Description
Error Description The column shows info on the type of error category and the description
Occurrences The column shows the no.of times the error has occurred.
Sync Type The column shows whether the error appeared in Inbound or Outbound
Object The column shows the whether the error appeared in prospects, accounts, or opportunities
Error Last Occoured on  The recent datetime when the error appeared

4. How can I export the logs in CSV?

A: You can click on the export option and export the CSV.