Define call outcomes on Outplay

Identify leads who are most likely to convert into a customer 

Call outcomes refer to the result of a call made by a sales rep to a prospect. It is a way to track and measure the effectiveness of the sales process by recording the outcome of each call. Some examples of call outcomes include Interested, Not Interested, Followup, No Answer, and more. 

By tracking call outcomes, you can gain insight into the performance of a sales rep and the overall sales process. Moreover, you can identify areas of improvement, optimize the sales process, and make data-driven decisions. Tracking call outcomes can help you identify which leads are more likely to convert to sales and make better use of the sales team's time.

View and manage default call outcomes

To view existing call outcomes on Outplay:

  • Login to Outplay. In the Engagement section, navigate to ProfileSettings.

Outplay SEP Profile Settings-1

  • Click Dialer from the sidebar menu. 

Outplay Dialer

  • Navigate to the Outcomes tab

Outcomes Tab in Outplay Sales Engagement Platform

  • Here, you can view all the default call outcomes available. The order of appearance of the call outcomes defines their priority levels as well. 

Call Outcomes in Outplay SEP

  • You can use the Move icon to modify the priority levels of the call outcome. 

Toggle Priority Levels in Outplay SEP

  • Click the More Options button to Edit or Delete a call outcome of your choice. 

Edit and Delete Call Outcomes

Create a call outcome

Here’s how you can create a call outcome on Outplay:

  • Login to Outplay. In the Engagement section, navigate to ProfileSettings.

Outplay SEP Profile Settings-1

  • Click Dialer from the sidebar menu. 

Dialer Tool in Outplay SEP

  • Navigate to the Outcomes tab

Outcomes Tab in Outplay SEP

  • Here, you can view all the default call outcomes available. Click the Add Outcome button

Adding Call Outcomes

  • The Add Call Outcome window pops up. Here, you can complete the following fields:
    • Name: Enter a name for the new call outcome.
    • Mapped To: Map the new call outcome as Answered or Not Answered
    • To mark the new call outcome as positive, you can enable the toggle for Mark as Positive Outcome.
    • If you want to use the call outcome when the call results in a voicemail, you can enable the toggle for Is Voicemail
    • Click Save

NOTE: If the new call outcome is mapped as Answered, then the prospect is marked as Replied automatically. On the other hand, if the new call outcome is Not Answered, no default action will be taken.

Add Call Outcome Popup

The call outcome is created and added to the list successfully.

NOTE: You can use the Move icon to modify the priority levels of the call outcome. Click the More Options button to Edit or Delete a call outcome of your choice.