Articles on: Meeting Scheduler

Embed Meeting Type with other Outplay features on your website

Bring Meeting Type, Chat & Website Tracking seamlessly to your website

The Chat & Website Tracking feature may be required on all the pages of your website. This ensures that a prospect always has the opportunity to reach out while you can easily understand what peaks their interest in your product/ service. 

However, when it comes to Meeting Types, it’s not the same case. A meeting type is only required on specific pages of your website. But how do you combine the script for all these features to work in sync on your webpage? 

Here’s how you can do so in three simple steps:

Step 1: Obtain Chat & Website Tracking Script Line

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Chat & Website Tracking on the sidebar menu.

In the Email Script section, you can find the code to enable Outplay Sales Chat widget and website tracking for your website.

Copy the specific script line highlighted in the image below and transfer it to a location on your system.

Step 2: Obtain Embed Code for the Meeting Type

On Outplay, click the Scheduler tab on the top panel.

Click Meeting Types on the sidebar menu.

Here, you can find all the meeting types that you created. Navigate to the meeting type you want to embed on your website and click the Embed Code button for the meeting type.

A window displaying the instructions to embed the code pops up. You can read the instructions and click the Copy Code button.

Once you’ve copied the embed code, you can paste the code into your website’s HTML editor.

Step 3: Modify the Embed Code

Before you make the changes live on your website, you need to integrate the Chat & Website Tracking Script Line with the Embed Code. The Embed Code will require some minor modifications as well. 

Here’s how you can go about with it:

After adding the embed code to your website’s HTML editor, navigate to the highlighted script line.

Replace the script line with the following code:

}, { _q: [], _v: 1 }, ["addEmbeddedForm","init"], 0);

The embed code should look like this:

Next, add the Chat & Website Tracking Script Line obtained in Step 1 at the end of the Embed Code, as shown below:

Once the embed code has been modified, your website is all set to go live with all the features working in sync.

Updated on: 31/05/2024

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