Articles on: Sequences

Emailbox Rotation

What is Mailbox Rotation?

​Mailbox Rotation allows you to easily manage and switch between different email accounts within your sequences. This feature is especially useful for sales teams who have multiple accounts. With Mailbox Rotation, you can add all your email accounts to a single sequence and activate them simultaneously, enabling you to reach out to prospects from different accounts without any hassle. This not only saves time but also ensures that your emails are sent from different email addresses, increasing the chances of getting a response.

How to Set up Mailbox Rotation?

Login to Outplay
Navigate to Engagement >> Sequences
Filter out the sequence for which you want to set mailbox rotation
Go to Sequence Settings
Scroll down and you will be able to see the section as Auto-assign Mailboxes in Round-Robin

To enable round-robin, toggle the button ON, once enabled, you will be able to see the section below

Click on Add Email Account and add those email boxes that you want for round robin in this sequence

There will be one more option as below

Toggle this option on, if you want to reassign the prospects to a different email box if the initial assigned email box is disconnected or revoked.

How this toggle works

Consider a sequence in which the following prospects are assigned to specific Emailboxs -

Prospect A → Emailbox 1

Prospect B → Emailbox 2

Prospect C → Emailbox 1

Prospect D → Emailbox 3

Prospect E → Emailbox 3

Case 1 - Emailbox 1 manually disconnected with the checkbox enabled

When Emailbox 1 is revoked/ disconnected with the checkbox enabled, Prospects A & C will continue to be in the ongoing state.

Outplay will wait for 2 hours to check if email box 1 is reconnecting or not. After 2 hours, Outplay will again check if the email box is connected if the mailbox is not reconnected. This activity will happen in multiple retries times and if Outplay finds that after the last try, the mailbox is not available then Outplay will reassign prospects A and C to emailboxes 2 & 3 respectively.

Therefore, the emails & and prospects order goes like this -

Prospect B, Prospect A → email box 2

prospect D, prospect E, prospect C → email box 3

If you reconnect emailbox 1 within 15 minutes, Prospects A & C will not be reassigned to any other emailbox. Their emails will be sent out only via emailbox 1 only as it is reconnected.

Prospect A, prospect C → emailbox 1

prospect B → emailbox 2

Prospect D, prospect E → emailbox 3

Case 2 - Emailbox 1 manually disconnected with the checkbox disabled

When emailbox 1 is revoked/ disconnected with the checkbox disabled, Prospects A & C will continue to be in the ongoing state.

Outplay will wait for 2 hours to check if emailbox 1 is reconnecting or not. After 2 hours, Outplay will again check if the mailbox is connected if the emailbox is not reconnected. This activity will happen in multiple retries and if Outplay finds that after the last try, the mailbox is not available then Outplay will fail the messages.

so the order goes like this

Prospect A, Prospect C → paused/failed

Prospect B → emailbox 2

Prospect D, prospect E → emailbox 3

If it is not reconnected within 2 hours, Prospects A & C will be in a paused state. Prospect B will be in the active state assigned to Inbox 2, and Prospects D & E will be in the active state assigned to Inbox 3.

If inbox 1 is reconnected within 2 hours, then -

Prospects A & C will be in active state → assigned to emailbox 1

Prospect B will be in active state → assigned to emailbox 2

Prospect D & E will be in active state → assigned to emailbox 3

How round-robin will work?

Let's suppose, we have 3 mailboxes added in sequence

Email box 1 pending limit to send emails is 20
Email box 2 pending limit to send emails is 40
Email box 3 pending limit to send emails is 60

Let's say we are adding 120 prospects now in this case

on round robin, 20-20-20 prospects will be assigned to all three email boxes

so now new limits would be

Email box 1 pending limit to send emails is 0
Email box 2 pending limit to send emails is 20
Email box 3 pending limit to send emails is 40

for the next 60 prospects, the system will exclude email box 1 because its sending limit is already exhausted

now, 20-20 prospects will be assigned to email boxes 2,3

so new limits will be

Email box 1 pending limit is 0
Email box 2 pending limit is 0
Email box 3 pending limit is 20

The remaining 20 prospects will be assigned to email box 3.


How will it affect mailboxes assigned on the prospect level

So basically, while adding prospects to the sequence, the system will check whether the toggle button is enabled or not if enabled then below is what is going to happen

For Personal sequences,

A new option called – Auto-assign on round robin will be introduced and it will be auto-selected

For Team sequences,

A new option called – Auto-assign on round robin will be introduced under Select email from and it will be auto-selected.

While reassigning, give precedence to the other email box of the same user to whom the prospect was already assigned. If that is not also not available, then reassign it to a different user.

How it is going to affect the existing prospects in the sequence
Ans: The prospects which are already in the sequence before this feature rolls out, will not have any impact. Those will still remain scheduled with the email boxes that are already assigned to them.
But once this feature is rolled out, and the user toggled on these settings, then any new prospects added in the respective sequence will be considered on these new settings.

What if the email box is disconnected or not available for those prospects who are already scheduled before this feature rolls out?
Ans: Those prospects will go in a failed state. Any user role who can access sequence settings (personal/team], can modify mailbox settings on the sequence level.

What happens if the toggle i.e.Automatically assigns the following mailboxes to reach out to the prospects in this sequence?
Ans: We will keep the assigning user’s default email box auto-selected.

If the email box is disconnected then should that be considered in round-robin?
Ans: No, we should not consider the email box which is disconnected.

If the alias is disconnected then while redistribution should we consider the same email box of that alias?
Ans: No, round-robin will happen for all the available email boxes and aliases.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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