Articles on: Outplay Connect Chrome Ext

Outplay Connect Chrome Extension FAQs

Answers to common questions about using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension

Outplay Connect Chrome Extension allows you to seamlessly access your Outplay account and perform sales tasks directly from Gmail, LinkedIn, Zoho, and more. This article aims to answer common questions and help you make the most out of the extension. Whether you're looking to install the extension, configure settings, or understand how to navigate the Outplay Connect panel, you'll find the answers here. 

Let's get started!

How do I install the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

To install the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension, click here to learn how. 

How can I configure the settings for Outplay Connect?

Once you have installed the Outplay Connect extension, you can configure its settings by following these steps:

Click the Outplay icon on your Chrome browser panel.
From the drop-down window, click "Go to Dashboard" to access your Outplay dashboard.
In the dashboard, you can modify your notification settings by clicking the Outplay icon again and selecting "Outplay Extension Settings" from the drop-down menu.
Activate the toggles for the activities you want to receive notifications for, such as Email Opens, Link Clicks, and Email Replies.

To read more on accessing the dashboard and configuring settings, click here

Where can I find and access the Outplay Connect panel?

The Outplay Connect panel allows you to perform various tasks from Gmail and LinkedIn. Here's how you can access it:

On Gmail, the Outplay widget is located on the top, between the Settings gear icon and Google Apps icon.
On LinkedIn, the Outplay widget is visible on the right side of the page

To open the Outplay Connect panel, simply click the Outplay widget on either platform.

For more information on using the Outplay Connect panel and its functionalities, click here.

What actions can I perform from the Outplay Connect panel?

Once you have accessed the Outplay Connect panel, you can perform various tasks related to your prospects. Here are some of the actions you can take:

Create a prospect
Add a prospect to a sequence
Source leads
Send an email
Make a call
Send an SMS
Create/ execute tasks

For more detailed instructions on using the Outplay Connect panel, click here

What is Outplay Mode on Gmail/Office/Zoho?

Outplay Mode is a feature within the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension for Gmail, Office, and Zoho that enhances the functionality of these email platforms. When you turn on the Outplay Mode toggle, it enables email tracking and prospect creation. 

This means that when you send emails, Outplay will track various metrics such as email opens, link clicks, and attachment views. Additionally, the recipients of your emails will be added as prospects in your Outplay account, allowing you to manage and track your interactions with them more effectively.

What happens if we send an email with Outplay Mode ON?

When you send an email with Outplay Mode ON, the email will be tracked by Outplay. This means that you will be able to see if and when the recipient opens the email, clicks on any links or attachments, and performs other relevant actions. These email tracking metrics will be recorded in your Outplay account, providing you with valuable insights into the engagement and effectiveness of your email campaigns.

How does email tracking and click tracking work from Gmail or Office?

Email tracking and click tracking work by embedding a tracking pixel or code snippet into the emails sent through Gmail or Office. When the recipient opens the email, the tracking pixel or code is triggered, and it sends a signal back to Outplay, indicating that the email has been opened. 

Similarly, when the recipient clicks on a tracked link or opens a tracked attachment, that information is also recorded by Outplay. This enables you to monitor the engagement levels and effectiveness of your email communications.

How do I turn off Outplay Mode from the Chrome Extension on Gmail/Office?

To turn off Outplay Mode from the Chrome extension on Gmail or Office, follow these steps:

Click on the Outplay Connect button or widget on the Gmail or Office interface.
The Outplay Connect panel will appear on the right side of the screen.
Look for the Outplay Mode toggle within the panel.
If the toggle is enabled (ON), click on it to switch it off (OFF).
The Outplay Mode will be turned off, and email tracking and prospect creation will be disabled until you toggle it back on.

How do I send personal emails without tracking when the Outplay Chrome extension is installed?

If you want to send personal emails without tracking when the Outplay Chrome extension is installed, you can follow these steps:

Compose your email on Outplay as usual.
Before sending the email, disable the email tracking feature by turning off the tracking toggle or deselecting any tracking options.
Once you have disabled email tracking, send the email as you normally would.
The email will be sent without any tracking, and no metrics will be recorded in your Outplay account for that particular email.

How to stop creating prospects while sending emails from Gmail/Office/Zoho?

If you want to prevent prospects from being created automatically when sending emails from Gmail, Office, or Zoho, you can follow these steps:

Open the Outplay Connect panel within the respective platform (Gmail, Office, or Zoho).
Disable Outplay Mode by turning off the toggle or deselecting the option.
Prospects will no longer be created automatically in your Outplay account when sending emails from the respective platform.

NOTE: Specific steps to perform these actions may vary slightly depending on the version and configuration of the Outplay Connect Chrome extension and the email platform you are using.

How do I source leads on LinkedIn using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

To source leads on LinkedIn with the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension, follow these steps:
Log into your LinkedIn account.
Use the search bar to find a prospect by their name, designation, company name, or other relevant criteria.
Once the search results are displayed, click the "People" tab at the top.
On the right side of the screen, you'll see the Outplay widget. Click on it.
The Outplay Connect panel will slide in from the right, showing all the available leads from the search page.
Click on a lead to view their profile.
To view the contact information for the lead, click on the "Get Details" button.
You can find the lead's email addresses and phone numbers by clicking the respective buttons.
To add the lead to a customized list on your Outplay account, click the "Add to List" button.
If you want to add the lead to a sequence and start engaging with them instantly, click the "Add to Sequence" button.

Can I perform actions for multiple leads at once using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

Yes, you can perform actions for multiple leads simultaneously. Here's how:

Select the checkboxes next to the leads you want to take action on.
Alternatively, you can click the "Select All" option to choose all the leads on the page.
Once the desired leads are selected, you can choose from options such as "Add to List," "Add to Sequence," or "Get Details" as per your requirements.

Can I create a new list on Outplay and add leads to it using Outplay Connect?

Yes, you can create a new list on Outplay and add leads to it using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension. Simply follow these steps:

On Outplay, create a new list to store your leads.
In the Outplay Connect panel, click the "Add to List" button when viewing a lead's profile.
Choose the newly created list from the dropdown menu to add the lead to that specific list.

How can I identify prospects that have been added to my Outplay account from the leads displayed on LinkedIn?

Prospects added to your Outplay account will have a "P" displayed next to their name in the lead's profile on LinkedIn. This helps you quickly identify the leads already added as prospects.

Will the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension display leads from the database for each new People search on LinkedIn?

Yes, when you conduct another People search on LinkedIn, the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension will display the leads available in the database for that specific search result. This allows you to access and engage with relevant leads based on your search criteria.

How do I import contacts from Zoho CRM to Outplay using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

Click here to learn more about importing contacts from Zoho CRM to Outplay using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension. 

How can I import contacts from Zoho CRM accounts to Outplay using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

To import contacts from Zoho CRM accounts to Outplay using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension, follow these steps:

In Zoho CRM, click the "Accounts" tab on the top panel.
Select the account from which you want to import contacts to Outplay.
On the Account Information page, navigate to the "Contacts" section.
Click the "Import to Outplay" button.
The Import Status dialogue box will pop up, displaying the progress of the import.
Once the import is complete, the Import Status dialogue box will close, and a notification stating "Imports will be processed shortly" will be displayed.

How do I directly add contacts to Outplay sequences from Zoho CRM using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

Click here to learn how to add contacts to Outplay sequences directly from Zoho CRM using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension.

How can I complete Outplay tasks such as emails, calls, and SMS from Zoho CRM using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension?

Click here to learn how to complete Outplay tasks such as emails, calls, and SMS from Zoho CRM using the Outplay Connect Chrome Extension, follow these steps:

NOTE: For other task types such as Twitter or WhatsApp, you will be redirected to the respective platforms to execute the task.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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