Statistics in Outplay Sequences

Track the Performance of Your Sequence Steps

As you engage with prospects over email, call, LinkedIn, Twitter, SMS, and WhatsApp, it's important to keep track of the outreach performance. With Outplay's comprehensive statistics, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your sequences and make data-driven decisions to improve your outreach strategy.

In this article, we'll walk you through the different statistics available in the Sequences section and explain how you can use them to measure the success of your email, call, LinkedIn, Twitter, SMS, and WhatsApp steps. Let's dive in!

This article discusses:

Statistics in Sequences

On Outplay, essential sequence statistics are displayed in every sequence. To view the same, under the Engagement section, click Sequences from the sidebar menu, and select a sequence of your choice. Under the Steps tab, the sequence statistics are displayed on the top panel.

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Point



Number of steps in the sequence.


Number of days for which the sequence is run. 


The ratio between the total number of automated email/ SMS sequence steps and the total number of sequence steps. 


Automated = Total number of automated email or SMS sequence steps / Total number of sequence steps


Number of active prospects in the sequence (excludes Pending Prospects). 


Sequence Report Statistics

You can gain complete insight into a sequence and its performance by analyzing its numbers. To do so, under the Engagement section on Outplay, click Sequences from the sidebar menu, and select a sequence of your choice. In a sequence, navigate to the Stats tab. 

Here, you can view statistics under several touchpoints, such as Emails, Calls, SMS, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Tasks. You can also find an Overview section where all the significant numbers are displayed. 

Let’s take a look at the statistics under each section: 


Sequence Overview Statistics

The Overview section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of prospects added to a sequence (includes Pending prospects).


Number of prospects who were delivered with emails. The Delivered count increases by one only, irrespective of how many emails are delivered to a particular prospect. 


Number of unique sequence emails opened by prospects. 

Hover State: 

Opened = (Unique email opens / Unique emails delivered) X 100


Number of unique email & SMS replies, calls answered, and meetings booked. 

Hover State:

Replied = (Unique Email & SMS Replies + Calls Answered + Meetings Booked) / (Total number of prospects enrolled in the sequence) X 100


Number of prospects who are yet to be actively enrolled in the sequence. 


Number of prospects who are currently active in the sequence (Excludes Bounced, Finished, Replied, Opted Out, OOO, and Auto-Replied prospects).


Number of (Paused + OOO + Auto-Replied) prospects in the sequence. 


Number of prospects with the Finished status. 

NOTE: This statistic includes prospects who have completed all the steps of the sequence, prospects who have been marked as Finished manually, and prospects associated with a particular account who have been marked as Finished when one of them were marked as Finished.

Opted Out

Number of prospects who have opted out of receiving your emails. 


Number of prospects who were marked as Bounced in the sequence when sequence emails for them had bounced. 


Sequence Email Statistics

The Email section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of sequence emails delivered.

NOTE: This statistic counts emails which are not unique to prospects as well. 


Number of sequence emails opened. 


Number of unique prospect replies for each sequence email.


Number of unique clicks in each sequence email. 

NOTE: A click is counted when a prospect clicks on a link or an image in your email. 


Number of sequence emails that have bounced as well as the ones that are marked as Bounced manually. 


Number of prospects who are marked as Out-of-the-Office after receiving an OOTO response to the sequence emails.

Auto Replies

Number of automatic email responses received for the sequence emails.


Number of prospects who opted out of receiving your emails. 


Number of sequence email tasks that are skipped. 


Sequence Calls Statistics

The Calls section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points


Calls Made

Number of sequence call tasks that are completed.  


Number of calls answered by prospects.

No Answer

Number of calls which were made but not answered by prospects. 


Number of call tasks skipped. 


Sequence LinkedIn Statistics

The LinkedIn section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of LinkedIn interactions (via comments or reacting to a post) with prospects. 


Number of LinkedIn profiles of prospects visited. 


Number of LinkedIn connections made with prospects. 


Number of In-Mails received from prospects on LinkedIn. 


Number of all other LinkedIn engagements such as commenting or sharing a prospect’s post.


Number of LinkedIn tasks skipped. 


Sequence Twitter Statistics

The Twitter section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of times a prospect has been contacted through Twitter.


Number of prospects who were followed on Twitter.


Number of retweets made. 


Number of Twitter engagements other than follows and retweets, such as likes, direct messages, and replies.


Number of Twitter tasks skipped. 


Sequence Task Statistics

The Tasks section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of generic sequence tasks that are completed.


Number of generic sequence tasks that are skipped.


Sequence SMS Statistics

The SMS section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of sequence SMSes that have been sent to prospects.


Number of SMS tasks that have been skipped.


Sequence WhatsApp Statistics

The WhatsApp section displays the following statistics:

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The displayed data points are calculated as per the following table:

Data Points



Number of WhatsApp tasks that are completed. 


Number of WhatsApp tasks that are skipped.