Articles on: Prospects and Accounts

Understanding common reasons for Import CSV failure

In this article, we will understand the common reasons why import failed or partially failed when adding Prospects to the Outplay platform.

Please refer to the table below for the cause and action required for CSV failure.

Possible ReasonsDescription
You have mapped more than 2 columns with the same Outplay Field. Please correct the mapping and try again.Mapping more than 2 columns with the same Outplay Field can cause confusion and errors in data processing. It is essential to ensure that each Outplay field is mapped to the appropriate column in order to maintain data integrity and accuracy. Please review the mapping and make the necessary corrections before attempting to proceed again.
The account Name column cannot be emptySince Account Name is a mandatory field to create an account. Outplay is informing you to add the account name if not added for all the data records.
Row 2 parsed too few fields: 14 were expected, but only 13 were parsedThere are some empty columns. Please correct the data and try again
Too many fields were parsed on row 2: 10 were expected, but 11 were parsedThere are some extra columns without column headers. Please correct the data and try again
You have not selected any file. Please select the file and click continueYou forgot to select the file which you want to upload.
Name, Email, or Phone number is mandatory for some prospects. Please update any of the fields and try again.To create a prospect in Outplay; a name, email, or phone number is mandatory. Please add any of these fields to continue creating the prospect.
Please map Outplay's Email, Phone, or LinkedIn field with the respective CSV field.If the user does not map email, phone, or LinkedIn while mapping CSV fields this message will come.
The prospect cannot be added to multiple sequences due to sequence exclusivity settings.This error comes if the sequence in which you are trying to add the prospect has this setting enabled -  Don't allow prospects to be added to multiple sequences.
Prospect is already added to the sequence.You are trying to add the prospect to the same sequence in which s/he is already added.
The email id for the prospect owner/account owner is not valid. Please correct the email ID and try againThis message comes if the owner's email id is invalid or doesn't exist.
You have not added the prospect owner/account owner for some records. Please update the same and try againUploading any prospect or account needs the owner to be mapped. If you keep it blank while uploading then it will show this error.
You can import up to 10000 prospects at a time.This message comes if you are trying to import more than 10000 records.
You don't have sufficient privileges to add prospects to the sequenceThis error comes if you are trying to add the prospects to the sequence for which you are not the sequence owner or the sequence is not public.
You are trying to update the field that exceeds the characters limit. Please reduce the characters and try again.This error comes if you are trying to add the characters in the field that have the size limitation.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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