Articles on: Opportunities

How to manage stages in an opportunity pipeline

Customize and Optimize the Stages in Your Sales Process

By managing the stages in your opportunity pipeline, you can ensure that each opportunity is properly tracked and managed, leading to improved sales results. Moreover, this way you can ensure that the stages of your pipeline follows the same structure as your sales process followed in your organization. 

On Outplay, you can rearrange the order of stages, edit existing stages, and delete stages as needed. Here’s how you can manage stages in your opportunity pipeline on Outplay:

Log into Outplay. Under the Engagement section, go to ProfileSettings.

Click Stages from the sidebar menu.

Navigate to the Opportunity Pipeline tab.

Here, you can view the pipelines that you create. Click the opportunity pipeline to which you want to add a stage.

In the selected opportunity pipeline, you can view all the stages that are currently available in the same. Every stage in an opportunity pipeline displays the number of opportunities currently on the stage, probability, and deal category.

The Move toggle in each stage allows you to rearrange the order of the stages in the pipeline. The stages will appear in the order of progression, with the top stage being the first in the process and the last stage being the final stage.

You can modify or delete a stage by clicking the More Options button for the respective stage.

Modify a stage

Click the More Options button for a stage and select the Modify option.

The Update Stage window pops up. Here, you can update the following fields:
Stage Name: Enter the new name for the stage.
Deal Category: Categorizes the status of an opportunity in your pipeline and helps track the status of each opportunity. There are three options:
Open: Means the opportunity is still active and ongoing.
Closed Won: Means the opportunity has been successfully closed and the sale has been made.
Closed Lost: Means the opportunity has not been successful and the deal has been lost.
Probability: Allows you to assign a percentage value to each opportunity in this stage, representing the likelihood of closing the deal successfully. The field can be adjusted with ranges from 0% to 100%.

Click Update.

The stage is updated successfully.

Delete a stage

Click the More Options button for a stage and select the Delete option.

A confirmation window appears. Select Yes to confirm the action.

The stage is deleted successfully.

Updated on: 09/06/2024

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