Articles on: FAQs

FAQs for Outplay - Appsumo Users

All your questions about the Outplay - Appsumo Deal answered!

If you're an Outplay user with an Appsumo Deal, here's everything you need to know:

Can I change my registered email address to the Outplay account?

Unfortunately, no. You cannot change your registered email address for the Outplay account that holds the Appsumo Lifetime Deal. 

Can I resell my account?

No, you cannot resell your Outplay account with the Appsumo Lifetime Deal. 

Can I transfer my Appsumo Lifetime Deal to another business/ individual?

No, you cannot transfer your Appsumo Lifetime Deal to another business/ individual. 

Can I delete my Outplay account?

Yes, you can delete your Outplay account anytime. However, your Appsumo Lifetime Deal becomes void. 

If I delete my Outplay account, what will happen to my Appsumo Lifetime Deal?

Once you delete your Outplay account with the Appsumo Lifetime Deal, the deal becomes void. This means that you will not be able to reactivate the Outplay account with the same deal again. 

Why can't I access Lead Sourcing or Meeting Scheduler?

As an Appsumo user, you can continue using all the features that were already accessible to you. However, if you want to use the new features, such as Lead Sourcing & Meeting Scheduler, you can upgrade to any one of our flexible monthly/ yearly subscription plans.

NOTE: You will not have access to your Appsumo Lifetime Deal after upgrading to an Outplay subscription plan.

Updated on: 07/06/2024

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