Articles on: Sequences

How to delete a step or a variant of a step in a sequence?

What are steps in a sequence

A sequence in Outplay is made up of steps. Each step defines a task you perform, such as sending an email, making a call, or leaving a comment on LinkedIn, and when you will perform it, relative to the start of the sequence. But, how do we delete a step that was created by an accident, which is not related to this sequence?

Delete a step

NOTE: The deleted step cannot be undone.

To delete a step,

Turn OFF the respective sequence.

Click on the drop-down arrow next to step 1.

Choose the Delete option to delete the particular step.

Delete a variant

Variants help you get the best response by means of more open, click and reply rates. Apply your creativity on the subject line and in the body of the template to get the best responses. After choosing the winner variant there won't be any necessity with the loser variant (depends on case to case).

To delete a variant,

Turn OFF the respective sequence.

Click on the barbeque menu (three dots) against the respective variant.

Choose the Delete option to delete the particular variant.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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