Articles on: FAQs

FAQs - Seats, Roles, Licenses & Add-Ons

All your questions about seats, roles, licenses & add-ons answered!

Seats & Roles - FAQs

What are the different types of seats on Outplay?

There are 3 types of seats on Outplay - Admin, User & Observer.  

What is an admin seat?

An Admin Seat offers you the complete privilege to modify settings and take control of the Outplay account & subscription in its entirety. For example, an Admin can create sequences, invite new users, configure org settings, assign prospects to users, manage billing and subscriptions, and much more.

What is a user seat?

A User Seat has limited privileges and permits personal activities on Outplay. For example, Users can create their own prospects and personal sequences. However, when it comes to team sequences, they can only view their tasks, prospects and sequences.

What is an observer seat?

On Outplay, an Observer can create prospects, manage accounts, view analytics, and much more. However, they will be restricted in certain aspects such as managing personal sequences, connecting mailboxes & calendars, and modifying roles & permissions, among others.

How can I purchase additional User Seats?

You can purchase additional User Seats from the Billing section on Outplay. Click here to read more. 

How can I purchase observer seats?

You can purchase Observer Seats from the Billing section on Outplay. Learn more about purchasing observer seats here. 

How can I invite a user to Outplay?

You can invite a user to Outplay from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. Here’s a quick guide to inviting users to Outplay.

How can I update an existing user’s role?

You can update a user’s role from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. Click here to learn more about updating a user’s role on Outplay.

How am I charged for purchasing additional user/ observer seats?

You can purchase user/ observer seats at any point of your subscription, and you’ll be charged on a pro-rata basis; you are only required to pay from the day you purchase the license. Here’s a complete guide on understanding pro-rata billing on Outplay. 

How many users can I add under the Free Plan?

You can only add a maximum of 2 users to your Free Plan subscription.  

What is a guest role? How can I assign it to a user?

A guest role has limited privileges and access on Outplay. For example, in addition to a few selected permissions, they can only view or shadow the activities or progress of other team members on the platform. You can invite guest users for free and they do not require/ consume a license on Outplay. 

Can an Observer access Lead Sourcing and Meeting Scheduler along with Engagement?

An Observer cannot access Lead Sourcing. However, they can access Meeting Scheduler if they are assigned with a license for the same.

To learn more about permissions for an Observer role, navigate to Profile → Settings → Roles & Permissions → Observer. Here, you can view all the permissions enabled for an Observer role.

Can Users access Lead Sourcing and Meeting Scheduler?

Lead Sourcing and Meeting Scheduler cannot be accessed by the Outplay's default User role. However, the role can be provided with access if required.

To provide Users with access to Meeting Scheduler:

You can assign a Scheduler license to the user and enable them to access Meeting Scheduler.
You can assign a Scheduler license to new users, as well as to existing users.
Click here to learn more about purchasing Scheduler licenses.

To provide Users with access to Lead Sourcing:

Duplicate Outplay's default User role: Under the Engagement section on Outplay, navigate to Profile → Settings → Roles & Permissions → User. You can click the More Options button for the role and select the Duplicate option.
Enable Permissions: Once the new User role is created, enable all permissions under Lead Sourcing and click Update. The User role is updated and has access to Lead Sourcing.
Assign the User role: Now, you can go ahead and assign the role to your team members from the Users & Teams section. Under the Engagement section on Outplay, navigate to *Profile → Settings → Teams & Users.

Licenses & Add-on FAQs

What is an engagement license?

An Engagement License gives you access to the Engagement section on Outplay. You can run sequences, connect with prospects, manage your accounts, and much more. When a user seat is purchased, an engagement license for the user is also added to your subscription plan. 

How can I purchase additional engagement licenses?

When you purchase a user seat, an Engagement License is also added to your subscription. Hence, to purchase additional Engagement Licenses, you can purchase User Seats from the Billing section under Settings on Outplay. Click here to read more. 

How can I purchase scheduler licenses?

You can purchase Scheduler Licenses from the Billing section under Settings on Outplay. Click here for more information.

NOTE: You can only add a maximum of 2 Scheduler Free licenses to your subscription plan.

How can I update/ assign licenses to an existing user?

You can update/ assign licenses to an existing user from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. Here’s a quick guide to updating a user’s license. 

What are add-ons?

Add-ons are services/ features that you can add to your subscription plan. On Outplay, you can choose to add-on services/ features such as Mailboxes, Scheduler, Dialer Credits and Lead Credits to your subscription plan.

How can I assign additional mailboxes to a new user?

You can assign additional mailboxes to a new user while inviting them to Outplay from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. To learn how to invite new users, click here. 

How can I assign additional mailboxes to an existing user?

You can assign additional mailboxes to an existing user from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. Here’s how you can assign additional mailboxes to an existing user. 

How many mailboxes can be assigned to a user?

The mailbox limit for Starter, Growth & Enterprise per user is 1, 2 and 5 respectively. 

How many Scheduler Free Licenses can I add to my subscription?

You can add a maximum of 2 Scheduler Free Licenses to your subscription plan. 

How many Engagement Licenses can I have under the Free Plan?

You can only add a maximum of 2 User Seats/ Engagement License to your Free Plan subscription.  

How can I remove a user license from my subscription plan?

To remove a user license, you have to first remove the associated Outplay account to that license. Then, you can proceed to the Billing section on Outplay where you can make the change to your subscription plan. 

Here’s how you can remove a user associated with a license: 

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.
Select Users & Teams from the sidebar menu.
Under the Users section, navigate to the user you want to remove, click the More Options icon, and select Delete.

Next, you can reduce the user license from your subscription plan:

On Outplay, go to ProfileSettings.
Select Billing from the sidebar menu.
In the Engagement section, click Modify Plan.
In the Users section, you can modify the number of users you want for your subscription, and click Save Subscription.

The change will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle.

How can I assign an Observer license to a user?

An Observer License can be assigned to a user by selecting and assigning the role of Observer to the user. You can assign an Observer role to a user from the Users & Teams section under Settings on Outplay. Click here to learn more.

Updated on: 25/06/2024

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